Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Department of Іnformation Systems in Economics

The mission of the Economics Information Systems Department is to train highly qualified specialists in the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies, information processing and decision-making systems in the economy.

The concept of specialist training at the department is based on a system that is based on a rational combination of advanced fundamental training in computer science and economic cybernetics and practical experience in leading enterprises and organizations in the IT sphere.
The Chair of Information Systems in Economics is one of the oldest in the Institute of Information Technology in Economics, has a rich history and distinguished scientific traditions, and at the same time trains specialists in the most recent educational areas according to the needs of the professions of the future.
The Economics Information Systems Departmentprepares specialists in the specialty "COMPUTER SCIENCES" at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels. Computer Science specialty is designed to train highly professional modern IT specialists in the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies, intelligent information processing systems, artificial intelligence and decision support systems in economics, management and business, as well as in other areas of activity.
The training program is built in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and approximates to international educational standards, in particular ACM / IEEE-CS ComputerScienceCurricula 2013.
The purpose of the training is to train specialists capable of applying mathematical fundamentals, algorithmic principles in the modeling, design, development and maintenance of information systems and technologies; to develop, implement and maintain information systems for data analysis and processing in organizational, technical, natural and socio-economic systems.
  • economic knowledge and management processes;
  • programming (basic IT concepts, concepts, methodologies; basic programming languages ​​(C #, C ++, Java, PHP, HTML, SQL);
  • software and system integration;
  • databases (repositories) of data and knowledge;
  • methods of computer graphics and data visualization technology;
  • Knowledge engineering technologies;
  • economic substantiation of design, design, software development, feasibilitydesign and development of user interfaces;
  • developer of information systems, their components and computer programs;
  • operating and application software analyst and computer systems designer;
  • the administrator of the database, repositories;
  • computer communications analyst;
  • application and system programmer;
  • specialist in the organization of information security;
  • Researcher;
  • software development and testing specialist.
  • At the Department of Information Systems in Economics, training of specialists at the second (master's) level under the two educational and professional programs "Information Control Systems and Technologies" and "Systems of Artificial Intelligence" is initiated.
Preparation time:
  • Bachelors: full-time and part-time studies - 4 years,
  • Masters: Full-time and Part-time study -1 year 9 months.
The department also actively participates in the preparation of students from all specialties of KNEU in the disciplines of information systems and technologies by industries: enterprise economics, marketing, personnel management, statistics, finance, international economics, banking, etc.
In different years the department was headed by leading experts of Ukraine in the field of information technologies, in particular:
  • from 1963 to 1979 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, pofessor Tverdohlib M.G.;
  • from 1979 to 1981 he performed the duties of the head of the chair candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Tatarchuk M.I.;
  • from 1981 to 1983 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, professor Skrypnyk P.M.;
  • from 1983 to 2007 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, professor Sytnik VF;
  • in 2007 - the Department was headed by the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Krasnyuk M.T.;
  • from 2008 to 2018 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, professor Ustenko S.V.;
  • from 2018 the head of the Department is Doctor of Economics, professor Mozgalli O.P.
  • Tishkov Bohdan Oleksandrovych
    In 2012 defended candidate dissertation, on the theme "Models and Methods of Indicative Planning of Enterprise Activity" and received a scientific degree in Economics on specialty...
    Ivanchenko Hennadii Fedorovych
    Basic specialty "Automation and complex mechanization of chemical-technological processes", since 1972. - Engineer of Electromechanics for Automation,...

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