Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Research activities

The team of the Department is actively involved into the research work related to the topical issues of modernity and engages all doctoral, post-graduate, 4-year and 5-year students into the research.  

The research at the Department is focused on developing theoretical methodological foundations for the statistical study of Ukraine's economy as the basis for the information and analysis support to the implementation of the innovation-based development strategy and the improvement of the competitiveness of the national economy.

The following is a list of lines of the scientific activity of the Department:

  • Statistical support to the management of national projects of the innovation-based development of the national economy

  • Statistical study of the efficiency of the operation of markets and their impact on the competitiveness of an economic system

  • Theoretical and methodological principles of the statistical studies of the labour market of Ukraine in the context of the development of the socially oriented economy
  • Statistical assessment of the impact of structural reforms and integration processes on activities of institutional sectors of Ukraine's economy.

The Department maintains permanent scientific contacts with Bratislava Economics University (Slovakia), Krakow Economic Academy (Poland), the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the Productive Forces Study Council of Ukraine, the scientific and technical committee on the statistical research of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv city and oblast statistics departments, the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Last redaction: 26.04.18