Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Finance, accounting and audit

!!! Attention! The collection stopped its work in accordance with the decision of the Scientific Council of KNEU in 2019! This page contains an archive of information about the publication. Acceptance of new articles - do not grow!

"Finance, accounting and audit" – scientific work collection.

Founded: 2003
Perspectives: money, finances and credit (state finances, finances of enterprises, financial markets, insurance, money circulation, credit facilities, banking management, regulation of banking operations, bank investments) ; accounting, analysis and audit (accounting theory, accounting in state institutions, accounting in banks, entrepreneurial business analysis, banking analysis, internal audit, external audit)
State registration certificate: КВ № 7219 from 17.04.2003 / КВ №23080-12091ПР from 11.12.2017 
ISSN 2310-9734
Professional registration in High Attestation Commission of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: regulations № 3-05/7 from 30.06.2004 and №1-05/1 from 10.02.2010, order №528 from 12.05.2015 
Science field: economic sciences
Periodicity: twice a year
Language: Ukrainian