Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Call for Applications for bachelor students (bachelor level) – Global Institute of Management and Economics of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (Dalian / China)15 Травня 2019р.

Call for Applications for students (bachelor level) – Global Institute of Management and Economics of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics(Dalian / China)

In the context of the Agreement between the Global Institute of Management and Economics of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and KNEU, the Global Institute of Management and Economics invites students for a semester study. The call for application is conducted for bachelor students.

Language of instruction– English.

Duration of study– 6 months.  

The tuition fee and program fee per semester: 17,500 RMB in total, equals to around 2,700 USD.

Accommodation: The first one charges around 160 USD per month for double room and around 270 USD per month for single room.

Also, there is an opportunity to do an internship.

Language: English

Duration:up to 6 weeks

Fee: 1600 USD but it provides unique customized Chinese working experience

If you are interested, please visit the Centre of International Academic Mobility for detailed information (room 218).