Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

Visegrad Summer School – call for application!24 Березня 2017р.

Visegrad Summer School – call for application

 The Villa Decius Association, Krakow, Poland
  2-15 July 2017

The Visegrad Summer School is educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries. The project aims to deepen knowledge on regional and global challenges and provide advanced skills in chosen area as well as to eliminate mutual stereotypes and build ties and friendly relations. The programme of the 16. edition the includes lectures, debates and workshops on current political, cultural and social challenges in the regional, global and European perspective.

Previous editions of the School were attended by over 600 people from: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine , United Kingdom, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, India, Ghana, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Albania and Italy.


Participation conditions

the organizers provide

·         educational programme and materials

·         special events

·         accommodation and board

participants cover

·         travel costs to/from/in Krakow

·         insurance

·         registration fee of 125 Euro



Each candidate should register at www.visegradsummerschool.org and provide an ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM

Deadline for submitting on-line applications: 31 March 2017. No hard copies required.

Accepted participants will be informed by 1 May 2017.



Anna Kowalska project manager ania@villa.org.pl

Web-site: http://www.visegradsummerschool.org/