Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Student Campus

The University's Student hostel are of block and corridor type.
Corridor type Student hostel:
- Student hostel № 1, located at the address: Marii Kapnist St., 8.
Year of construction 1961;
- Student hostel № 3, located at the address: Marii Kapnist St., 4.
Year of construction 1973;
- Student hostel block type:
- Student hostel № 2, located at the address: Degtyarevska St., 49a.
Year of construction 1976;
- Student hostel № 4, located at the address: Degtyarevska St., 49.
Year of construction 1973;
- Student hostel № 5, located at the address: Beresteyskyi Ave., 54a.
Year of construction 2000;
- Student hostel № 6, located at: 15a Ivan Dzyuba St.
Year of construction - 1979.
Student hostel №6, students of our University live in the right part of the building and on the 6-9th floors of the left part of the building. The rest of the building, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2015, was transferred for use by the preschool educational institution "Interregional Vocational School of Motor Transport and Construction Mechanization".
The number of residents who can be accommodated in one room depends on the square footage of the room (with compliance with sanitary standards of 6 sq. m. per person). Each Student hostel has a storage room (where students can store their belongings), a caretaker (receiving mattresses, bedding, etc.). In Student hostel №1 has a sanitary point, where a nurse is on duty from Monday to Friday.
Each Student hostel has two Internet service providers.
The campus administration is located at: 49 Degtyarevska St.
Information sources: campus channel and page on the official website. Quick contact with the administration via the link.
The campus is served by a number of departments:
- Chief Engineer's Service (maintenance of all dormitory communications, as well as current and major repairs);
- Chief Power Engineer's Service (maintenance of the power grid, etc.);
- Facility Security Department;
- Boiler Room.
The above-mentioned services are subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Economics and Infrastructure
The amount of payment for accommodation is established in accordance with the order "On Paid Services" (to open, click on the name of the order), which is developed annually by the University's Financial and Economic Department.
The amount of payment for utility services is established in accordance with current legislation, and free services are also taken into account and provided to students of preferential categories (more details about the list of benefits and the mechanism for submitting documents can be found here). The procedure for obtaining a benefit is given here (in our campus information bot) in the "Settlement" section. Students are settled in a student dormitory after enrollment at the University according to the mechanism described in the regulations on the campus (section "Regulations and Rules").

Last redaction: 17.03.25