Social and Labour Relations InstituteThe Social and Labour Relations Institute of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economics Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Institute") is the structural unit operating as a part of the single educational and research complex of Vadym Hetman KNEU. The research and human-resource potential of the Institute is based on the Human Resource Management and Labour Economics Department, where scientific schools in the field of labour economics, social and labour relations and human resource management have been initiated and developed. The Institute involves specialists from related and other research areas for the interdisciplinary research. The major objective of the Institute is to perform fundamental and applied research work on social and labour issues at the microeconomic, macroeconomic, European and international levels. The activities of the Institute are focused on the scientific research and the performance of the scientific pedagogical work in the field of the development, the operation and the development of social and labour relations. In line with its objective and subject matter of activities, the Institute exercises research, research organisation and research pedagogical activities within the scope of its competence. The following are the priority areas of research determining the scientific activities of the Institute:
Major lines of the scientific and organisational activities of the Institute include:
The research and instruction activities of the Institute call for the more profound mutual links between the scientific research and the process of instruction by means of the training of masters on the basis of the independent scientific research, the assurance of the participation of students of the University, the Master Training Centre, post-graduate and doctoral students of the University in the scientific research carried out in the Institute, and the creation of conditions for the involvement of the talented young people into the scientific research in the Institute, etc. Management.The Social and Labour Relations Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU is managed by its Director A.M. Kolot, Professor and ScD in Economics. History.The Institute was established on the basis of Order of the Rector of Vadym Hetman KNEU No. 420 of 21 May 2010 "On Establishment of Research Institutes" in pursuance of Resolution of the University's Academic Council of 27 April 2010 in order to implement the University Innovative Development Programme and implement the major tasks called for by the Research University Charter approved with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 163 of 17 February 2010. Since 2011, the Institute publishes the compendium of research papers under the name of "Social and Labour Relations: Theory and Practice". Major scientific interests of this publication include: the current condition and issues of the development of social and labour relations, the social policy: new challenges and development trends; the compensation policy in the system of social and labour relations at the micro-level; contemporary human resource management approaches; the knowledge management at the macro and micro levels; the human resource management function: the functional transformation and modern technologies; the socialisation of the labour market in Ukraine: indicators and the regulation mechanism; the dialectics of the development of flexible employment forms; the intellectualisation of the labour potential. The editorial board includes prominent domestic and foreign scientists, who have made a considerable contribution into the research into social and labour issues: They include: A.M. Kolot, O.I. Scherbakov (Russian Federation), V.M. Bobkov (Russian Federation), Zbislaw Sirojcz (Poland), Vojcak Slomsky (Slovakia), O.A. Hrishnova, U.Y. Sadova, H.V. Nazarova, L.O. Shaulska, I.F. Hnybidenko, I.L. Petrova, O.F. Novikova, E.M. Libanova FunctionsMajor functions of the Social and Labour Relations Institute include:
EmployeesAnatoly Kolot Director of the Social and Labour Relations Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU, Professor, ScD in Economics He was born on 28 October 1950; he graduated from Kyiv National Economy Institute in 1971; in 1999, he was awarded the academic degree of ScD in Economics and, in 2002, the academic rank of a Professor. He is a ScD in Economics, Professor, the Vice Rector in Charge of the Scientific and Pedagogical Work, the Head of the Human Resource Management and Labour Economics Department of Vadym Hetman KNEU. He is one of founders of the domestic school of labour economists. He authored more than 200 research papers, including 14 monographs, 18 textbooks and manuals. He is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences, the deputy head of the Expert Council of the Highest Assessment Committee of Ukraine in the field of macroeconomics, transformations, international and regional development, a member of editorial boards of several economic and news magazines (Ukraine: Labour Aspects, Demography and Social Policy, Employment and Labour Market, International Economic Policy). He is a Honoured Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine. Contact details: E-mail:; Phone: ( 380 44) 456-7000, 371-6276; Fax: ( 380 44) 371-6276, 226-2573. ContactsPhone (Fax): ( 380 44) 456-5610 Last redaction: 29.01.25 |