Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Educational and Methodological Department of Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation

About the Department
    The Educational and Methodological Department of Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation (hereinafter - EQAEA) is a structural unit established as an integral part of the organization of the educational process at the University in accordance with modern requirements for the quality of training of higher education applicants, which are due to the processes of transformation of the system of civic values, development of the foundations of a socially oriented state, creation of equal opportunities for activities in various spheres of public relations, development of world integration processes, academic mobility and other. The Institute of Nuclear Energy was established on the basis of the Center for Management and Monitoring of Education Quality in accordance with the order of the Rector of the University dated 09.06.2022 № 296-k
   The IQACEA was established to ensure effective quality management of higher education, coordinate work between the structural units of the University to comply with the Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities, analyze the compliance of the University's educational activities with higher education standards in specialties and other educational standards and requirements for improving the quality of educational activities through the development and implementation of educational technologies, promote the creation of appropriate educational, methodological and organizational conditions for the implementation of educational activities.
    The main purpose of the IQEA is to facilitate the continuous process of improving the quality of higher education and educational activities of the University.
The main activities of the IQAA are:
methodological and consulting support for the functioning of the components of the system of internal quality assurance of higher education at the University;
organization and conduct of scientific and methodological events at the University;
examination of educational programs for their compliance with the established standards of higher education in specialties and curricula, in particular, the compliance of their structure with the current regulatory documents of the University;
methodological, documentary and organizational support for the introduction, updating and closing of educational programs and relevant curricula for training applicants at all levels of higher education;
development of methodological recommendations on the content of work programs of academic disciplines and methodological materials for the study of academic disciplines and other components of educational programs (qualification work, course work (project), etc;)
evaluation of the results of the methodological work of the departments;
organizational and documentary support of the work of the University's Scientific and Methodological Council;
preparation of draft orders, materials on quality assurance of higher education and educational activities at the University;
control over the implementation by the departments of the Rector's orders, decisions of the Rector's Office and the Academic Council of the University, the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, on issues of quality assurance of higher education and educational activities of the University;
рreparation of proposals for improving the organization of the educational process;
development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of best practices in the organization of higher education and teaching technologies;
Initiating surveys (questionnaires) of students of all levels of higher education, scientific and pedagogical (teaching) staff on the quality of higher education and educational activities;
organization of work on the preparation of a package of documents for licensing of educational activities and / or accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole;
coordination of cooperation with other structural units of the University on the preparation of a package of documents for licensing of educational activities and / or accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole;
formation and support of a package of documents for licensing of educational activities and / or accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole in the Unified State Database on Education (hereinafter - EDEBO), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and other accreditation agencies;
providing information, consulting and methodological assistance in the preparation of documents for licensing of educational activities and / or accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole;
control over the timely execution of information on the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education, certificates of accreditation of educational programs (specialties, areas of study), their re-issuance;
bringing information to the structural units of the University about changes in state requirements in the regulatory framework for the implementation and licensing of educational activities, accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole;
participation in the development of the policy of the external system of quality assurance of education and the regulatory framework, etc.
The functions of the IQACEA have two main areas: licensing and accreditation and educational and methodological work.
Main functions:
implementation of the concept of educational activities of the University, decisions of the Academic Council and the administration, orders and instructions of the rector and vice-rectors to ensure the quality of higher education and educational activities in the structural units of the University;
coordination of the activities of structural subdivisions: educational and research institutes, faculties, departments of the University for the implementation of the activities of the NMCECA defined by the Regulations;
benchmarking of educational and management practices of higher education institutions and their structural units and formulation of proposals for improving the mechanisms of quality assurance of higher education and educational activities in place at the University based on its results;
analysis based on the results of monitoring the quality indicators of higher education and educational activities at the University, trends in their change, correlation of the identified trends with international and domestic ones;
bringing information and documents on changes in state requirements in the regulatory framework for the quality of educational activities, licensing of educational activities and accreditation of educational programs and the University as a whole to the structural units of the University and subjects of educational activities;
Preparation of draft documents (orders, orders, etc.) for the implementation of the activities of the NMCECA defined by the Regulations);
posting of regulatory documents (regulations, orders, orders of the Rector of the University, etc.) and other reference materials on the NMCEC website of the University;
posting educational programs and curricula on the “For Teachers” webpage of the University's website.
Last redaction: 26.01.25