Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Scientific and Expert Council

General Provisions

The Scientific and Expert Council of the University is an advisory body established to support the implementation of the University’s strategic objectives in scientific and educational spheres, as well as in the development of modern research university infrastructure, in accordance with the University Development Strategy and Innovation Development Programs.

The primary goal of the Scientific and Expert Council is to assist the university community in fulfilling its mission—to make a significant contribution to societal development through research, the generation and dissemination of new knowledge, and the preparation of socially responsible, creative individuals and competitive professionals.

Competencies of the Scientific and Expert Council include:

  • Collegial review and approval of the University’s priority areas in scientific, methodological, and innovative activities.
  • Analysis of prospective plans for the University’s scientific development.
  • Preparation of conclusions and recommendations for the University Academic Council on improving the planning, funding, and organization of scientific research.
  • Initiating the participation of the University’s academic and research staff in the development of national, regional, innovative, investment, economic, social, and environmental programs, as well as conducting scientific research aligned with the University’s specialization.
  • Organizing and conducting scientific and professional expertise of research results by the University’s academic and research staff, regardless of funding sources.
  • Analyzing reports from scientific project leaders and authors of monographic studies regarding their progress and results, as well as determining practical applications of their findings.
  • Internal monitoring and formation of fundamental and applied research directions in accordance with regulatory reporting and ranking requirements.
  • Reviewing work plans and reports from the University’s research institutes and providing recommendations for their approval by the University Academic Council.
  • Considering proposals for the preparation of monographs and providing recommendations to the Academic Council regarding their themes and publication.
  • Assessing the quality of scientific publications by the University’s academic staff, as well as mandatory publications by PhD candidates, doctoral students, and research degree seekers.
  • Monitoring the inclusion of the University’s publications in international scientometric databases and the translation of outstanding scientific works by University researchers into foreign languages.
  • Evaluating the results, frequency, status, and self-sufficiency of scientific and scientific-practical conferences conducted by the University.
  • Scientific expertise of dissertation topics for Doctor of Science degrees and providing recommendations for their approval by the University Academic Council.
  • Monitoring PhD dissertation topics developed at the University and identifying promising research directions.
  • Providing informational and consulting support for grant activities in the field of science and intellectual property transfer at the University.
  • Supporting youth and student research initiatives at the University.
  • Discussing the endorsement of University staff members for state awards, honors, and distinctions, as well as granting named scholarships to PhD and doctoral students.