Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Professional Economic College of KNEU named after V. Hetman

College Director
Valentyna I. Marushevska
Holds the position of College Director from 1graduated from Kyiv Institute of People’s Economics (Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman), speciality – “Planning of people’s economics”.
Works at the Institute from 1981. Held positions of lecturer, Division Head and Director.
Holds higher qualification category, pedagogics title of “lecturer methodologist” and the title of Honoured Education Worker of Ukraine (Honoured Educator of Ukraine).


Deputy Director for Academic Activity —
Natalia F. Dutkanych
tel. 403-36-16

Deputy Director for Educational Activity  —
Zhanna O. Vlazneva
tel. 407-22-24

Deputy Director for Administrative and Economics Activities —
Liubov M. Sviatetska
tel. 407-22-24

General Information

Economics College of Kyiv National Economics University is a public institution of higher education of the first level of accreditation.

The College provides training for the qualification of junior specialist on the basis of complete secondary education and basic secondary education according to the approved Bachelor’s curriculum.

Further college graduates may study in the Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman for qualification level of “Bachelor”, reduced curriculum, of other educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation.

The main purpose of the institution - organization of academic activities, which includes training, educational and methodological work.

Activity of the college complies with the basic principles of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" and the concepts set forth in the national program "Education of Ukraine in XXI century".

Specialties and areas of training

Pursuant to the license granted and Regulations on the College, educational institution performs preparation of the specialists for educational level of junior specialist, direction 0305 "Economics and entrepreneurship" in the fields of:

5. 03050401 "Economics";
5. 03050701 "Marketing Activity"  (only on the base of basic secondary education);
5. 03050801 "Finance and Credit";
5. 03050802 "Assessment" (only on the base of basic secondary education);
5. 03050901 "Accounting".

On the basis of complete secondary education  2.5 years (distance learning)
and basic secondary education training period - 3 years (full-time education).

Last redaction: 17.03.25