Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Trade Union Organization of Students and Postgraduates of the University

Your #profkomkneu. What is?

A student is not a word, but a state of mind, a synonym for the word activity, and active people are always striving to succeed in life, find new friends, realize their abilities, organizational skills. The friendly development of the students is supported by a friendly team of the Students' Trade Union Organization. From the first days of KNEU training at the University, our Trade Union has become a loyal friend and advisor in solving everyday student problems. Each of you will soon become an integral part of our team - the largest public organization of the University, the best organization in Ukraine by the results of the All-Ukrainian Review-Competition of Primary Trade Union Organizations.

No cultural, artistic and sporting event at KNEU takes place without the participation of the Trade Union. By joining the KNEU named after Vadym Hetman, each of you, KNEU students, can count on our organization to represent and uphold the rights and interests of everyone before the administration of the faculty and the university, in state authorities and local self-government bodies also before other associations of citizens.

Be active, inquisitive, caring students, because today you have the necessary potential, the realization of which in the near future can significantly affect the beginning of a new stage in the development of public life of the university. And for our part, we will help you to realize your creative abilities and advise how fun it is to spend your student years!

With our team you will be able to:
Develop their leadership and management skills
• Enrich culturally and spiritually
• Implement your creative ideas and discover yourself from the other side
• Find like-minded people and true friends
• Grab the activism of your student life by 100%.
• Travel and tourism
• Get more points for your activity
• Develop sports and intellectually
• Relax and make new friends
• Get a discount on cultural, sporting events and a discount on our partners' events
• Obtain a discounted fare in Kyiv's public transport
• Solve problematic issues and conflicts
• Get qualified protection in case of violation of Your rights and freedoms
• Issue an international ISIC student ID (various discounts both in Ukraine and abroad)
• Get a personal id card (prof_sale project)
• Find a part-time or full-time job
• Get financial help
• Increase the level of English
• Participate in international and all-Ukrainian projects
• Get a discount on holidays at sea, in the resort, in the mountains.
• Be remunerated in the event of active civic engagement
• Self-actualize and increase competence in various committees and units of a trade union organization
      Our #profkomkneu can confidently offer each of you, KNEU students, their support and protection. For this, our organization has everything: experience and rights, a strong and cohesive team. It is us, by the legislation of Ukraine, that have been given wide powers, in particular to control the adherence of the administration to the university, the residence and life of students in the hostel.

The PTOS is a collective member of the Kyiv City Organisation of the Trade Union of Education and Research Workers of Ukraine and a member of the Kyiv City Students' Trade Union Association.

Having joined the PTOS, every KNEU student can count on our organisation's properly representing and defending rights and interests of everyone before the management of Faculties and the University, state authorities and local self-government bodies, and before other civil-society associations.

The PTOS is proudly offering its support and protection to all KNEU students. It has everything required to this end: the experience, the rights, the strong united team. The PTOS is vested with broad powers by the legislation of Ukraine, for instance, in respect of the control over the provision of proper conditions for study, accommodation and amenities in dormitories by the management.

The trade-union conference is the highest body of the trade-union organisation of students and post-graduate students of Vadym Hetman KNEU. The activities of the trade-union organisation are directly managed by the trade union committee, which is elected by the conference for up to five years.

The activities of the trade-union committee are managed by the chairman and the deputy chairman (chairmen) of the trade union committee elected by the conference for the period, for which the trade-union committee has been elected.

The trade-union committee works in the form of sessions held to examine the most important issues of activities of the trade-union organisation and to make relevant decisions. The trade-union committee may elect a presidium as a standing working body between sessions of the trade-union committee, and vest trade-union bureaux of Faculties with some rights falling within the competence of the trade-union committee. The trade-union committee operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the Charter of the Kyiv City Trade Union of Education and Research Workers of Ukraine, the Charter of KNEU, and is guided by decisions of the higher trade-union bodies.

Last redaction: 21.01.25