Publications: | Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection1. Kyryliuk V., Ryabokon I. Role of social sphere in ensuring quality of working life. Journal of scientific papers VUZF Review. 2021, №6(3): P.66-77. (ScholarGoogle, Index Copernicus) 2. Varis І., Kolot А., Kravchuck O., Lopushniak H., Riabokon І. Transferable competencies of HR manager under global socio-economic changes Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2022. Vol.20, Issue 1, P. 322-341 3. Kyryliuk V., Ryabokon I.Social factors of young researchers’ quality of working life formation. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów. 2022. 65(3). 4. Kolot A., Herasymenko O., Shevchenko A., Ryabokon I. Employment in the coordinates of digital economy: current trends and foresight trajectories. Neuro-fuzzy modeling technologies in economics. 2022. № 11. P. 78-123. 5. H.S. Lopushniak, T.G. Kytsak, I.S. Verkhovod, V.V. Osadchyi, I.O. Ryabokon. Ukrainian social sector development in contemporary conditions: problems and areas for their solution. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1415 (2024) 012060. (Scopus) |