Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Hanna Smaliichuk

Department:Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
Position:Associate Professor
Teacher degree: none
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
Teaching Experience:16


  • 2005-2006 - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’, Master's degree in Human Resources Management and Labour Economics, Master of Human Resources Management and Labour Economics
  • 2001-2004 - Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management and Labour Economics, Lecturer in Economics
  • Academic degree - PhD in Economics, 08.00.07 - Demography, Labour Economics, Social Economics and Politics (DK №049958 of 18 December 2018 on the basis of the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)

Work experience:

  • Since 2009 has been working at the KNEU named after V. Hetman
  • September 2009 - present day- Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Socioeconomics and Human Resources Management. During this period, she held the positions of assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor.
  • March 2022 - December 2023 - Researcher, University of Warsaw, Centre for Migration Studies, working on the project ‘Skills for the Future. UW for Ukraine. Mentoring for Highly Skilled People’ project (University of Warsaw, Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw). Comprehensive participation in project processes: processing and analysis of project results, organisation of adaptation measures for forced migrants within the project, writing scientific articles, reports, presentation of research results, work in the organising committee of the IMISCOE conference
  • January 2024 - present day - Researcher, Associate Professor, Jagiellonian University, Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies, working on the project ‘Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation: the case of Ukrainians in Kraków agglomeration’. Comprehensive involvement in the project processes: processing of interview results (data processing in MAXQDA, transcription of interview translation); development of interview questionnaires; conducting structured and semi-structured interviews; analysis of survey results; writing articles, reports, presentation of research results (participation in conferences and international events)

Awards and honorary titles

  • Diplomas of the KNEU named after V. Hetman

Advanced training and internships:

  • International internship under the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme, Poland, Warsaw (21.09.2022 - 06.07.2023) at the University of Warsaw. Diploma thesis: ‘Between reception and integration: the experience of Ukrainian forced migrants living in Poland. Implications for Poland and Ukraine’, Diploma with honours.
  • Certificate of participation in the training ‘Promoting community resilience in Ukraine: Psychosocial first aid, support and crisis leadership. Suicide prevention’ (UKR-18/0016 Health Collaboration with Ukraine) 2021 (16 hours)
  • Certificate of the Polish Institute (Kyiv) on Polish language proficiency level A1 (№ 00008680, 60 hours) and A2 (60 hours) 2021
  • Certificate of advanced training ‘Formation of students’ competences of the XXI century’, Vadym Hetmana Kyiv National Economic University. Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education, 120 hours (Certificate No. 0576 of 23 April 2023)
  • UTTERLY and Erasmus+. Certificate of advanced training in the programme ‘Improvement of teaching skills’ № U/2023/0188 of 27.10.2023 (30 hours).