| - Faculties»
- Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology»
- Departments»
- Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management»
- Faculty members»
- Vasylenko Andrii Oleksandrovych
Andrii Vasylenko Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Senior lecturer |
Teacher degree: | none |
Degree: | none |
Teaching Experience: | 27 |
Kyiv National Economic University, 1998, Human Resources Management, Master of Business Administration.
Postgraduate studies at Kyiv National Economic University, 2001. Work experience.
Since 1998 he has been working at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.
2020 - present - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Socioeconomics and Human Resources Management, since 2023 - Head of the Department of Documentary Support of the Educational Process on a part-time basis 2015 - 2020 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology 2005 - 2015 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management and Marketing 2003 - 2005 - Assistant of the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics 1999 - 2003 - Assistant of the Department of Labour Resources Management 1998 - 1999 - Tainee lecturer at the Department of Labour Resources Management
Awards and honorary titles
Badge ‘Excellence in Education’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Advanced training and internships - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’. Institute of Postgraduate Education. Certificate of advanced training in the programme ‘Modern ICT and its use in the educational process of an economic university’ 12SS, 02070884/070096-21 of 20.05.2021, 120 hours.
- Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University. Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education. Certificate of advanced training under the programme: ‘Language brand of a modern professional’ No. 1154 of 17.01.2024 6 credits (180 hours)
 Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Senior lecturer |
Teacher degree: | none |
Degree: | none |
Teaching Experience: | 27 |
Biography: | |
Kyiv National Economic University, 1998, Human Resources Management, Master of Business Administration.
Postgraduate studies at Kyiv National Economic University, 2001. Work experience.
Since 1998 he has been working at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.
2020 - present - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Socioeconomics and Human Resources Management, since 2023 - Head of the Department of Documentary Support of the Educational Process on a part-time basis 2015 - 2020 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology 2005 - 2015 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management and Marketing 2003 - 2005 - Assistant of the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics 1999 - 2003 - Assistant of the Department of Labour Resources Management 1998 - 1999 - Tainee lecturer at the Department of Labour Resources Management
Awards and honorary titles
Badge ‘Excellence in Education’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Advanced training and internships - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’. Institute of Postgraduate Education. Certificate of advanced training in the programme ‘Modern ICT and its use in the educational process of an economic university’ 12SS, 02070884/070096-21 of 20.05.2021, 120 hours.
- Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University. Anatoliy Poruchnyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education. Certificate of advanced training under the programme: ‘Language brand of a modern professional’ No. 1154 of 17.01.2024 6 credits (180 hours)
Publications: | Total number of publications: 32 publications, including 30 scientific publications and 2 educational and methodological publications.
Major publications for the last 5 years:
Monographs: 1. Halyna S. Lopushniak, Svеtlana H. Rudakova, Andriy O. Vasylenko. Labor Market in Ukraine: State, Trends, and Basic Scenarios (in Ukrainian). Society and economy during the COVID-19. Pandemic experiences of Ukraine : Monografiа. Warsaw 2021. p.61-72 (262 р) URL:https://idss.org.ua/arhiv/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D1%96%D1%8F_%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%89%D0%B0.pdf Articles: A. Vasylenko, N.Arabov, S. Yekimov, R. Oleksenko, etc. Optimizing service quality through resourceefficiency: an analysis of some strategies forservice enterprises. E3S Web of Conferences.2024. Volume 587, 05010. doi: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202458705010 Taras Kytsak, Yurii Marshavin, Andrii Vasylenko, Oleg Marshavin and Vitalii Hutnitskyi (2023). Stakeholder capitalism as a modern model of corporate social responsibility. Social and labour relations: theory and practice, 13(1), 31-39. doi:10.21511/slrtp.13(1).2023.03 Taras Kytsak, Yuriy Marshavin, Andriy Vasylenko (2023). Modernization of the labor market on the basis of the concept of social responsibility as a basic condition for Ukraine's recovery. Problems of modern transformations. 7. doi: https://doi.org/10.54929/2786-5738-2023-7-07-02 Taras Kytsak, Yuriy Marshavin, Andriy Vasylenko (2022). Social dialogue as a tool for overcoming the post-pandemic “syndrome”. Problems of modern transformations. Series: Economics and Management., 4, 28-40. doi: https://doi.org/10.54929/2786-5738-2022-4-07-03
Academic disciplines:- Personnel management - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
- Social responsibility - for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education
- Corporate social responsibility - for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education
- Economics of social and labour relations - for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Educational and methodological publications:- Personnel management: textbook [Danyuk V.M., Kolot A.M., Sukov G.S., Vasylenko A.O.]; under the guidance and scientific editorship of Ph. Danyuk V.M. - K.: KNEU; Kramatorsk: NKMZ, 2013. https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/11437.
Distance learning courses:- Personnel Management - Vasylenko - HRPM35020U_DIST: [Electronic resource]: a distance Moodle course for students of the FM educational programme ‘Marketing’. Developer - A. O. Vasylenko - K.: KNEU, URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=314.
- Personnel Management (full-time) - Vasylenko - HRPM35016U:. [Electronic resource]: distance Moodle course for students of the FM educational programme ‘Marketing’. Developer - A. O. Vasylenko - K.: KNEU, URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=1150.
- Personnel management (part-time) - Vasylenko - HRPM35020U: [Electronic resource]: distance Moodle course for students of the FM educational programme ‘Marketing’. Developer - A. O. Vasylenko - K.: KNEU, URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=1149.
- 27 - IVF - Personnel Management - Vasylenko - QUAR1211: [Electronic resource]: Moodle distance course for passing the exam by students of the FM educational programme ‘Marketing’. Developer - A. O. Vasylenko - K.: KNEU, URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=1694.
- 27 - PE - Personnel Management - Vasylenko - OPTL1013: [Electronic resource]: Moodle distance course for optional study by students. Developer - A. O. Vasylenko - K.: KNEU, URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=755.