Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Iryna Varis

Department:Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
Position:Teaching assistant
Teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
Teaching Experience:14


  • 1997-2001 – Kyiv National Economic University, Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, Economics teacher.
  • 2001-2002 – Kyiv National Economic University, Master’s in Human Resources Management.
  • Academic degree – Candidate of Economic Sciences; dissertation on the topic “Formation of the Competency Component of Human Resources (on the Example of Banking Institutions)” defended in the Specialized Academic Council 08.00.07 – Demography, Labor Economics, Social Economics and Politics (Diploma DK No. 055011, decision of the Attestation Board dated 16.12.2019).
  • Academic title – Associate Professor of the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management (AD certificate No. 010877, decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 9, 2022).

Work experience

Since 2010, she has worked at the KNEU, named after V. Hetman.

  • September 2010 - to the present - a teacher and associate professor of the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management. During this period, she held the positions of assistant, senior lecturer, and associate professor, gradually expanding the scope of scientific and pedagogical activities and improving professional competencies.
  • September 2008 - June 2009 - Deputy Director of the Retail Organization Department of OJSC CB "PIVDENKOMBANK." Responsibilities: supervising the card business in the bank; monitoring the payment card market; developing card products; monitoring the implementation of plans; analyzing product sales; training branch (department) managers; recruiting personnel for the department (for working with plastic cards); conducting interviews; conducting seminars, training, training employees; conducting meetings, negotiations with clients; cooperation with partner banks, partner companies, insurance companies for the implementation of joint projects; implementation of a project to join the NSMEP.
  • March 2006 - February 2008 - Deputy Director of the Directorate for Work with Individuals of the Right-Bank Directorate for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Network Development of the Kyiv Regional Office of OJSC CB "Nadra." Responsibilities: attracting customers for the sale of products and services; holding meetings and negotiations with customers; opening sales platforms; monitoring the implementation of planned indicators by sales platforms; preparing reports on the work of subordinate platforms; recruiting personnel for branches; conducting interviews; conducting seminars, training, and educating employees.
  • February 2008 - September 2008 - Head of the Retail Sales Development Organization Center of the Kyiv Regional Office of OJSC CB "Nadra." Responsibilities: attracting customers for the sale of products and services; holding meetings and negotiations with customers; preparing potential client databases; working with branch managers; recruiting personnel for the branch; conducting interviews; conducting seminars, training, and employee training.
  • September 2004 – March 2006 - Head of the sector for attracting companies to work on payroll projects of the card issuance department of the Card Business Development Department of the Kyiv Regional Department of OJSC CB "Nadra." Responsibilities: attracting companies to work within the framework of payroll projects; conducting negotiations with company management on the conclusion of contracts; working with corporate cards; working with elite American Express and MasterCard Platinum cards; working with payment cards of the MPS Visa and Europay; recruiting employees to work with plastic cards for the branch; conducting training of managers to work with plastic cards.

Awards, honorary titles

  • Honorary certificates of Kyiv National Economic Universitythe named after V. Hetman 
  • Thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Advanced training and internships

  • Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman, Certificate of Advanced Training under the program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University," six credits (180 hours), No. 2991, dated January 14, 2025, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Association of Innovative and Digital Education, Certificate of Advanced Training for Educators "Artificial Intelligence in Education," 0.5 credits (15 ECTS hours) No. 13829242, April 30, 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Kyiv National Economic University, named after Vadym Hetman, Certificate of Advanced Training under the "Accreditation Coaching" program, six credits (180 hours), No. 1828, dated July 31, 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, CERTIFICATE of participation in the II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Transformational Processes of Social Culture in Ukraine," internship program 1.5 credits (45 hours), by participating in the round table, preparing a report and a scientific publication on the topic of the conference from March 23-24, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Kyiv National Economic University, named after Vadym Hetman, Certificate of Advanced Training in the Program "Teaching Excellence," one credit (30 hours), No. 0792, dated June 20, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Erasmus+ KA2 DEFEP project "Distance Education for Future: Best EU Practices in Response to the Requests of Modern Higher Education Seekers and Labor Market," Certificate for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transformations of Personality, Society and the Labor Market: Future Challenges and Impact on Education" 0.5 credits (15 hours) from September 20-22, 2023, Kharkiv Ukraine. (
  • "Digital Development Academy" LLC, Certificate of completion of the webinar for teaching staff of preschool, general secondary, extracurricular, vocational (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education institutions "Confidentiality, security, and information protection in the use of Google digital tools," 0.07 credit (2 hours) (ECTS), No. DBI2023-VABG-1799 dated April 17, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" Certificate of advanced training under the program "Modern ICT and their use in the educational process of the University of Economics," 4 credits (120 hours), No. 12СС 02070884 / 070198 - 21. dated May 20, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine. (
  • Baltic Research Institute of Transformation Economic Area Kitsing Meelis, Certificate of scientific and pedagogical internship "Innovative Educational Technologies: European Experience and Its Application in Training in Economics and Management," 6 credits (180 hours), No. Serija C No. 20210703, from July 21, 2021, to August 3, 2021, Riga, Latvia. (