Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Neuromodelling of counter-entropy of the logistics system of agrotrading in Ukraine

«Neuromodelling of counter-entropy of the logistics system of agrotrading in Ukraine»


Number of state registration: 0124U000632

Category of work: прикладна

Term of execution: 2024 р. – 2026 р.

Source of funding: funds from the State Budget of Ukraine 

Project objective: The aim of the project is to apply applied neuromodelling tools to enhance the counter-entropy of the Ukrainian agro-trading logistics system in turbulent conditions.




- to analyse the changes in the logistics system of agrotrading in conditions of turbulence and identify the main factors influencing its development in the national and global markets;

- to study the world experience of managing the logistics system of agrotrading and develop a methodology for assessing the state, forecasting the development and optimising the parameters of managing the logistics system of agrotrading in conditions of turbulence;

- to develop methodological tools for assessing the logistics system of agrotrading in Ukraine;

- to identify drivers of activation of the logistics system of agrotrading in Ukraine;

- to build a neuromodel of the logistics system of agrotrading in Ukraine;

- identify priority areas of agri-trading and make a forecast of yields and sales;

- to identify global triggers for the development of high-tech agricultural markets;

- to determine the impact of digitalisation of international trade on the agricultural sector of the countries' economies;

- complementarity of international trade in agricultural products and sustainable development in the current model of the world economic order;

- to study the diffusion of resource circularity of agribusiness;

- to adapt the conditions of foreign experience of resource circularity of agribusiness to the logistics systems of agrotrade in Ukraine;

- to propose a strategy for activating resource circularity in agri-trading logistics systems;

- to identify national priorities for the implementation of the state policy of rationalising the diffusion of resource circularity of agribusiness on the basis of sustainable development of logistics systems of agrotrading;

- to summarise the principles of formation of socio-economic benefits of resource circularity of agribusiness in the logistics systems of agrotrading in Ukraine.

Project team


Project leader:

Riepina Inna Mykolaivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship

Responsible project manager

Tepliuk Maria Anatoliivna

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship

Project executors:

Yatsenko Olha Mykolaivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Trade and Marketing

Sadovnyk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Economics and Infrastructure

Matviichuk Andrii Viktorovych


Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modelling and Statistics

Nitsenko Vitalii Serhiyovych


Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Khodakivskyi Volodymyr Mykolaiovych 


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship



Contacts: Inna Riepina, 

Last redaction: 27.02.25