РОЗВИТОК АКАДЕМІЧНОГО ПІДПРИЄМНИЦТВА ТА БІЗНЕС- АКСЕЛЕРАЦІЯ В COVID-ЗАЛЕЖНОМУ СОЦІАЛЬНО- ЕКОНОМІЧНОМУ ПРОСТОРІNumber of state registration: 0122U000962 Category of work: applied Term of execution: 2022 р. – 2023 р. Source of funding: funds from the State Budget of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 29.12.2021 No. 1461) Project objective: The aim of the project is to form applied tools for the development of academic entrepreneurship and business acceleration using digital technologies in the COVID-dependent socio-economic space in Ukraine.
Objectives: - to form a transdisciplinary model for disseminating new knowledge, methods and approaches to business organisation, taking into account the principles of the academic entrepreneurship ecosystem and digital technologies; - to develop a mechanism for business acceleration of domestic higher education institutions in the format of Start-up, Spin-off, Spin-out companies, which will lead to a transition to a new model of their financing; - to create an online training platform for business introduction, which will help overcome the socio-economic consequences caused by Covid-19; - to develop methodological tools for assessing the effectiveness of academic entrepreneurship; to propose vectors for the development of academic entrepreneurship in domestic higher education institutions; - to identify drivers of intensification of the transfer of scientific developments and innovations in the academic environment and to scale their impact on the performance of business entities; - to propose scenarios for the development of academic entrepreneurship for domestic higher education institutions, which should contribute to the formation of an entrepreneurial culture and intensification of business acceleration processes; to develop a modern digital technology for teaching entrepreneurship relevant to the state
Project team
Contacts: Inna Riepina, inna.riepina@kneu.edu.uaLast redaction: 27.02.25 |