Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Romensky Professional College of KNEU named after V. Hetman


Director of the College - Rud Nina Andrіivna (Honoured Education Worker of Ukraine)
Phone: (05448) 7-20-33
Deputy Director for Academic Activities – Ruchko Liudmyla Mykolaivna
Deputy Director for Educational Activities - Bondarenko Liudmyla Fedorіvna
Deputy Director for Admіnіstrative and Economics Activity – Vynnyk Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Methodists – Tkachenko Iryna Viktorivna, Dikhnych Liudmyla Pavlivna
Chief Accountant – Zadorozhnia Oksana Serhiivna
Phone: (05448) 7-20-16

College History
The history of the college dates back to 1900, when Romny fraternity organized demonstration workshop in the village of Hlynsk.
From 1900 to 1947 pottery workshop held a series of reorganizations:
• 1909 - Pottery Production Instructors School;
• 1918 - Art - Ceramic School;
• 1930 - Technical - Vocational School;
• 1930 - 1933 years - Hlynsk Glass Porcelain Technical College.
After World War II by the decision of Council of Ministers of the USSR on September 17, 1947 Industrial Technical College was organized. It has been located in the village of Hlynsk in Sumy region by 1966.
In 1966 Hlynsk Industrial Technical College was reorganized into Romny Industrial Technical College and moved from the village of Hlynsk to the town of Romny. Technical College trained specialists for construction materials industry in two specialities: "Technology of Ceramics" and "Open Development of Mineral Deposits.
In 1982 the speciality of "Repairing and installation of industrial equipment" was opened.
In 1982 the school building for 960 places was constructed.
In 1985 960 students studied there. In 1994 Romny Industrial Technical College and Romny Night Technical School of radio-electronic instruments were reorganized through their elimination and creation of Romny Polytechnic College on their base.
In 1994 the speciality of "Business Economics" was opened and the speciality of "Open Development of Mineral Deposits” was eliminated.
In 1995 it was the first enrollment of students for specialities of "Maintenance and repairing of oil and gas fields" and " Production of Automatic Telecommunications".
In 2000 specialities of "Social work" and "Accounting" were opened.
Since 2001 the technical college has prepared junior specialists in specialty of "Service of computer and intellectual systems and networks".
College is proud of its graduates:
• Teliushchenko Ivan - PhD, General Director of "Kerameya";
• Severyn Serhiy Fedorovych - Director of Construction and Installation Company "Romnyprombud";
• Titenko Mykola Mykolaiovych- Head of Anastasivka Oil and Gas Trade Company "Okhtyrkanaftogas."
Junior specialists are trained for planning and economic, organizational and management, financial activities in the field of economics in manufacturing, in the sphere of services, on enterprises of building materials industry and oil and gas industry, in the management according to their professional direction.
The college has sufficient educational and material resources:
• educational building;
• training and production workshop;
• library with a reading room;
• gym;
• tennis room;
• fitness room;
• sport ground;
• hostel;
• canteen;
• social and psychological support;
• museum of college history;
• medical center.
Equipment of classrooms and laboratories meets the requirements of higher education.
At the College there are circles of amateur, societies of technical creativity, sports clubs. Different parties and sport competitions are held.

Information for College Entrants

For full-time study (on the base of basic secondary education):

083 "Jurisprudence"
123 "Computer Engineering"
185 "Oil and gas engineering and technology"
133 "Engineering Sector"
076 "Business, trade and exchange activity"
231 "Social work"
072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance"

For distance learning (on the base of full general secondary education):
185 "Oil and gas engineering and technology"

More about specialities:

083 "Jurisprudence"
Training term - 3 years and 10 months
Qualification - Junior Specialist in Jurisprudence
Experts of this speciality are prepared to work in different legal institutions, funds, inspections and in the registration departments of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs according to their professional direction


123 "Computer Engineering"
Training term - 3 years and 10 months.
Qualification – technician of Computing (Information and Computing) Center.
Experts of this speciality are prepared for professional work in enterprises, research organizations, the departments of universities, data centers, companies, banks as a junior specialist in computer engineering.

185 "Oil and gas engineering and technology"
Term of training (full-time) - 3 years and 10 months.
Term of training (distance) - 2 years and 8 months.
Qualification – technician in maintenance and repairing of equipment.
Technician in maintenance and repairing of equipment of oil and gas fields is being prepared for professional activity in the industrial and technological field, design and organizational spheres of enterprises and organizations of the oil and gas industry.

133 "Engineering Sector"
Training term - 3 years and 5 months.
Qualification – mechanic.
Experts of this speciality are prepared to work in the manufacturing and mechanical repair shops, specialized repair shops, technical departments, chief engineer and engineering offices, commissioning and other organizations of building materials industry.

072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance"
Training term - 2 years and 10 months.
Qualification - Junior Specialist in Accounting
Junior specialists - accountants are trained to conduct financial, industrial, commercial payments and balance using instrumental and computerized equipment and computer systems.

076 "Business, trade and exchange activity"
Training term - 2 years and 10 months.
Qualification - Junior Specialist in Business Economics
Experts of this speciality are prepared for planning-economic, organizational and financial activities in the sphere of economics in manufacturing, in services, in management according to their professional direction.

231 "Social work"
Training term - 2 years and 10 months.
Qualification - social worker (supporting staff)
Junior specialist - social worker – is trained for professional activities in bodies of social protection, public and private pension funds, Chernobyl fund and pension insurance agencies, Fund of Social Protection of Disabled in Ukraine, partnerships of blind and deaf people.

Applicants take entrance exams (submit certificates of external independent evaluation) in the following subjects:
Ukrainian language
Maths / History of Ukraine

College Selection Committee
Phone of College Selection Committee:(05448) 7-20-35
E-mail (Selection Committee):

Working hours of the selection committee during taking applications for participation in the entering selection and documents of entrants:
Monday - Friday from 800 to 1700, lunch time - from 1200 to 1300;
Saturday from 900 to 1300 without lunch break;
Sunday - the day off.
The documents for admission:
• Application form;
• document of education and its attachment (2 copies);
• certificates on base of full general secondary education (original and 2 copies);
• copy of birth certificate or passport (3 pcs.);
• four photos (3 * 4);
• copies of documents that are entitled to benefits (if any) (3 pcs.).

Address: Sumy region, Romny, Gorky Street, 250
Phone: 7-20-33
Fax: (05448) 7-20-33
Official site:



Last redaction: 17.03.25