Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman




Dmytro LUKIANENKO – Rector

  • Professor; Doctor of Science, Economics
  • Chairman International Management Chair
  • Chairman of the International Economics subcommittee of the Scientific and research Committee of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine on economics and entrepreneurship
  • Honored Master of Sciences and Engineering of Ukraine
  • Prize winner of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences named after V.Ptykhyn

Tel456 5055; 371 6203

Rector's page


Professional activity areas:

  • Structural Divisions Staff Development
  • Monitoring of Educational Programmes efficiency
  • Innovative provision of educational process
  • Definition of priorities and arrangement of fundamental and applied scientific researches
  • Coordination of Scientific Park, Research Institutes, Specialized Scientific Boards and Board of Studies; editing of professionally-oriented journals



Andrii OMELCHENKO - The First Vice-rector

  • Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

tel  (044) 456-5055; (044) 371-6203

Areas of activity:

  • participation in the direct management of the University's activities;
  • participation, within the authority, in the organization of the educational process, scientific and research work, economic and other activities according to the directions of the University's activities;
  • coordination and control of the work of vice- rectors, heads of structural divisions according to the directions of the University's activities.


Anatoliy KOLOT – Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work

  • Professor, Doctor of Economics;
  • Outstanding Worker of Education of Ukraine;
  • Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine.

tel. / fax 371-6276

Areas of activity:

  • educational, scientific and methodical work on bachelor level training;
  • publishing;
  • organization of library services;
  • scientific and methodological support of the Bologna process.


Maryna SILCHENKO - Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Digital Transformation

  • PhD in Economic, Associate Professor

tel. (044) 458-0073


Areas of activity:

  • formation of the digitalization policy of the University;
  • implementation of innovative information technologies in educational, scientific, economic, managerial and other activities of the University;
  • ensuring the development of distance education and the use of digital tools in science and educational activities;
  • coordination of the activities of the University's divisions on issues of digital technologies, informatization and computerization;
  • organization of documentary support of the educational process, interaction of internal and external databases;
  • coordination of the functioning of the public and professional communications system with external and internal target audiences.





Viktor Chuzhykov - Prorector for research and education and international relations

  • Doctor of Economics, Professor 
  • Honoured worker of science and technology
  • Outstanding worker of Education of Ukraine
  • Jean Monnet Professor
  • Member of Regional Studies Association (UK)
  • President of NGO “European Integration Promotion Foundation”

Tel. (044) 456-63-78

Areas of activity:

  • International academic mobility for staff and students
  • Teaching of foreign students, master’s degree students
  • Development of English-taught programmes
  •  Participation in global research networks


Larysa Antoniuk - Vice-Rector for Research Work

  • Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences;
  • awarded gratitude from Kyiv Mayor;
  • awarded gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • awarded diploma by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • awarded diploma with honour by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

tel. / fax 371-61-07


Areas of Activity:

  • initiating, determining the direction and priorities, organization and implementation of basic and applied scientific research and grant projects;
  • organization of development and approval of prospective and current plans for the research work of the University and monitoring their implementation;
  • organization and implementation of scientific relations of the University with other universities and research institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries;
  • organization and leadership of the Scientific Advisory Board and expert committees;
  • organization of control on practical implementation of research results;
  • training scientific and pedagogical staff – doctors of sciences and doctors of philosophy;
  • creating a network of Specialized councils, control over their work;
  • development and publication of scientific publications of the University;
  • assistance and coordination of the Scientific Society of Students, doctoral students and young scientists.



Volodymyr Yurchenko - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Economy and Infrastructure

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

tel. 456 4208, 371 6194

Areas of activity:

  • coordination and control of the work of separate structural subdivisions in order to ensure the growth of their economic potential;
  • development of strategic program documents for the economic and social development of the University for the long-run and medium-run terms;
  • improvement of economic analysis methodology of financial and economic activities;
  • development of proposals for ensuring financial stability;
  • development of the mechanism for the wage fund regulating, as well as improving the efficiency of forms and methods for motivating labor of certain categories of workers;
  • providing and coordinating the work of the logistics department, the economic department, the sports complex "Economist", the department of motor transport, the Department of Labour Safety, the current repairs section, the services of the Chief Engineer, Chief Mechanic, Chief Power Engineer, Security, Student campus, boiler house, center of culture and arts.
  • coordination and ensuring the formation of plans for the purchase of inventory for the educational process and economic needs.
  • organization and ensuring the rational use of the material and technical base of the University.


Oleg PACENKO - Scientific Secretary

Patsenko Oleg Yuriyovych - academic secretary of the University, secretary of the University Academic Council
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
phone. 371-6173
Areas of activity:

  • forms the draft agenda of the meeting of the University Academic Council, submits it for approval to the chairman of the University Academic Council  and informs all the participants of the meeting;
  • provides preparation of the meetings, in particular, completes materials necessary for implementation of the agenda of the meeting, agrees them with the chairman of the University Academic Council;
  • on the initiative of the Chairman or not less than 50% of the members of the University Academic Council ensures the convening and preparation of an extraordinary meeting of the University Academic Council;
  • is responsible for formation of certification cases of candidates for awarding academic degrees of professor and associate professor, as well as the procedure for electing scientific and pedagogical staff at the meetings of the University Academic Council;
  • supervises the implementation of decisions of the University Academic Council;
  • coordinates the operational coverage of the work of the University Academic Council



Last redaction: 26.02.25