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- Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology»
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- Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management»
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- Danylevych Nataliia Stanislavivna
Nataliia Danylevych Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Associate professor |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | candidate of technical sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 19 |
Education.1990-1996 - State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine, 1996, Technology and design of garments, process engineer (Diploma LC № 002680 of June 26, 1996) 1998-2005 - postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design scientific degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.19 - Technology of textile materials, garments and knitwear, “Intensification of finishing processes of textile materials in a magnetic field”, (DK № 054615 from 14.10.2009, issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine) scientific degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.19 - Technology of textile materials, garments and knitwear, “Intensification of finishing processes of textile materials in a magnetic field”, (DK № 054615 from 14.10.2009, issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine)
Work experienceSince 2010, he has been working at the KNEU named after V. Hetman Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology.
Awards and honorary titles- Acknowledgment, Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Acknowledgment, Certificate of Honor, Diploma of the KNEU named after V. Hetman
Professional development and internships |
 Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Associate professor |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | candidate of technical sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 19 |
Biography: | |
Education.1990-1996 - State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine, 1996, Technology and design of garments, process engineer (Diploma LC № 002680 of June 26, 1996) 1998-2005 - postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design scientific degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.19 - Technology of textile materials, garments and knitwear, “Intensification of finishing processes of textile materials in a magnetic field”, (DK № 054615 from 14.10.2009, issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine) scientific degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.19 - Technology of textile materials, garments and knitwear, “Intensification of finishing processes of textile materials in a magnetic field”, (DK № 054615 from 14.10.2009, issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine)
Work experienceSince 2010, he has been working at the KNEU named after V. Hetman Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology.
Awards and honorary titles- Acknowledgment, Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Acknowledgment, Certificate of Honor, Diploma of the KNEU named after V. Hetman
Professional development and internships |
Publications: | Total number of publications: 147 publications, including 135 scientific publications and 12 educational and methodological publications. Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection: - Soft and Hard Skills for the Development of Young IT Specialists: Actual Challenges in the Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine. Olena Danylenko; Oksana Poplavska; Nataliia Danylevych; Maryna Silchenko. Information Technology for Education, Science, and Technics (ITEST 2024) pp 311–326. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-71804-5_21 (Scopus).
- Shchetinina, L., Rudakova, S., Danylevych, N., Poplavska, O. (2024). Digital HR Strategy in the Modern Business Environment of Ukraine in Conditions of Uncertainty. In: Chillarige, R.R., Distefano, S., Rawat, S.S. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics. ICACII 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 993. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4727-6_5. (Scopus).
- Н S Lopushniak, OM Poplavska, NS Danylevych, AV Ilienko,. Analysis of the motivational profile of personnel directed at achieving sustainable development of the enterprise. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol.1415 Issue 1 (2024) 012056. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1415/1/012056. (Scopus).
- Halyna Lopushniak, Oksana Poplavska, Nataliia Danylevych, Tatyana Kostyshyna and Rustam Raupov (2023). Organization of labor under conditions of uncertainty: The case of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21(2), 294-308. doi:10.21511/ppm.21(2).2023.30. (Scopus).
- Svitlana Tsymbaliuk, Nataliia Danylevych. (2023). Industrial Relations and Social Partnership in Wage Regulation in Ukrainian Industries. E-Journal of International and Comparative LABOUR STUDIES Volume 12 No. 02/2023. https://ejcls.adapt.it/index.php/ejcls_adapt/issue/view/98. (WoS).
- Nataliia Danylevych, Svetlana Rudakova, Oksana Poplavska, Liudmyla Shchetinina., О.Rudakov. Online training of employees of the enterprises in the creative economy: benefits and features. Digital Transformation 14th PLAIS EuroSymposium on Digital Transformation, PLAIS EuroSymposium 2022, Sopot, Poland, December 15, 2022, 65-84. Proceedings. Springer Nature 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-23012-7_5. (Scopus).
- Nina Chala, Oksana Poplavska, Nataliia Danylevych, Olena Ievseitseva, Roman Sova. Intrinsic motivation of millennials and generation Z in the new post-pandemic reality. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2022, 20(2), 536-550. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.20(2).2022.44. (Scopus).
- Tsymbaliuk, S., Poplavska, O., Danylevych, N. Collective Bargaining and Payment Regulation at the Regional Level: Assessment and Prospects (on the Example of Ukraine). Scientific Horizonsthis link is disabled, 2022, 25(1), рр. 76–95. https://doi.org/10.48077/scihor.25(1).2022.76-95. (Scopus).
- Danylevych, N., Rudakova, S., Shchetinina, L., Poplavska, O. Digitalization of Personnel Management Processes: Reserves for Using Chatbots. CEUR Workshop Proceeding. 2021. 3106. рр. 166–176. (Scopus).
- Chala, N., Poplavska, O., Danylevych, N., Maksma, M. (2021). Competencies of personnel in economy 4.0: Challenges and solutions. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 2021, 14(1), стр. 71–77. DOI: 10.22094/JOIE.2020.677818. (Scopus).
- Oksana Poplavska, Nataliia Danylevych, Svetlana Rudakova and Liudmyla Shchetinina. Distance technologies in sustainable education: The case of Ukraine during the coronavirus pandemic. E3S Web Conf. Volume 255, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202125501040. (Scopus).
- Poplavska O, Danylevych N. (2020) Social responsibility and social partnership in the 4th industrial revolution context: case of Ukraine. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos (ISSN: 1885-8031). (Scopus).
Patents and certificates of copyright registration for a work:Certificate of registration of copyright for a work of scientific nature No. 114546 dated 08/30/2022. Danylevych N.S. Certificate of registration of copyright in a work of scientific nature No. 114547 dated 08/30/2022. Certificate of copyright registration for a work of scientific nature No. 117950 dated April 10, 2023. Lopushnyak G.S., Kolot A.M., Poplavska O.M., Danylevych N.S., Kravchuk O.I. Certificate of copyright registration for a work of scientific nature No. 118053 dated April 12, 2023. Lopushnyak G.S., Danylevych N.S.
Monographs: 1. Nataliya Danylevych, Iryna Voloboeva. The role of the Middle East and North Africa in the international division of labor markets. Institutional, Financial and Economic Challenges and Prospects of Cooperation between Ukraine and MENA Region.Edited by D. Lukianenko and Z. Lutsyshyn. Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna (University of Economics And Humanities). Bielsko-Biała, 2020. Рр. 165 (83-105). 2. Danylevych Nataliia, Rudakova Svetlana, Shchetinina Liudmyla, Vasylyk Alla. Socio-economic security and innovative activity of countries: indicators, relationships and development guidelines. Knowledge management competence for achieving competitive advantage of professional growth and development. Collective monograph. Latvian BA School of Business and Finance (Riga). Latvia. 2021. рр. 203-224. https://ej.uz/6uqd 3. Danylevych Nataliia, Rudakova Svetlana, Shchetinina Liudmyla, Oksana Poplavska. Рriority goals of the occupational safety management in ukraine during the pandemic. Modern management: theories, concepts, implementation. Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2021, pp.394 (8-15), illus., tabs., bibls. ISBN 978-83-66567-24-2. 4.Poplavska O.M., Danylevych N.S., Pasichnichenko D.V. System of regulation of social and labor relations in banking institutions. Collective scientific monograph. Public management and administration, service sector, economy and international relations as driving forces of economic growth of the states of the XXI century (2nd ed.). Vinnytsia. 2022-02-11. P.1-13. https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/monographs/article/view/18356. https://doi.org/10.36074/paaaseeirdfegcc.ed-2.05. 5. Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina, Nataliia Danylevych. Digital transformation of employment. The influence of the new generation of communication on the formation of the future economy. Monograph. OKTAN PRINT, PRAHA. 2022. P. 44-55. https://doi.org/10.46489/TIOTNG-13. ISBN 978-80-88415-81-7. Testing, popular science, consulting, scientific and expert publications on scientific or professional topics:Danylevych NS, Rudakova SG, Shchetinina LV The state of the IT industry as a component of the creative economy. International Conference “Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Innovation: Management and Educational Trends of the Future” (IMPULSE 2021). Kharkiv. June 16-17, 2021. Danylevych N.S. Advantages of implementing electronic document management. Collection of materials of the IV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference “New information technologies of business management”. Kyiv. February 11, 2021. pp. 115-118. Danylevych NS, Danilenko OA Cloud technologies in the implementation of HR functions. IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation in the Context of Innovative Transformation of Socio-Economic Systems” on December 17, 2021 (Kropyvnytskyi). pp. 65-67. Danylevych NS, Rudakova SG, Shchetinina LV. Implementation of digital technologies in the organization of workplaces. Modern directions of development of economy, entrepreneurship, technologies and their legal support. International conference on June 01-02, 2022. Lviv: Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 2022. pp. 52-54. Danylevych N., Varis I., Parashchuk E. Effective organization and regulation of labor in the formation of professional competencies of employees. Innovative ideas and projects for the economic revival of Ukraine. The platform “Socio-economic vector of Ukraine's reconstruction”. Collection of reports of the 89th annual student scientific conference with international participation; June 01, 2022. Danylevych NS. Theoretical aspects of employer brand formation. Socioeconomics and management: state, trends, management decisions. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists. May 11, 2022 Kyiv: KNEU, 2022. Danylevych NS, Rudakova S. Directions for the development of staff competence in remote work. Strategic imperatives of modern management: Collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 21, 2022. K: KNEU, 2022. pp. 203-206. Danylevych NS, Rudakova, Shchetinina LV The role of the personnel manager in the effective organization of labor. International scientific and practical conference “Strategic priorities for the development of economy, management, service sector and law in the context of integration processes”. Kherson State University. November 03-04, 2022. Danylevych N.S., Rudakova S.G. Directions of development of staff competence in remote work. Strategic imperatives of modern management: Collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 21, 2022. K: KNEU, 2022. pp. 203-206. Danylevych NS, Rudakova SG, Poplavska OM. The role of HR specialists in the information security of the enterprise. II International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Khmelnytsky National University Dominants of HR-engineering, Economics and Business Development in the XXI Century in the Context of Permanent Transformation of the National and World Economy. Khmelnytskyi, November 17-18, 2022. pp. 210-213. |
Academic disciplines:“Personnel Safety” - for second-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education “Social Work” - for second-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education “Personnel Management” - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education “Labor organization and regulation” - for fourth-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Educational and methodical publications:Organization and standardization of labor: workshop with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine / Danilevich NS and others. Kyiv: KNEU, 2013. 251 p. Organization and standardization of labor: textbook / Danilevich NS and others. Kyiv: KNEU, 2015. 389 p. Personnel administration: a textbook / Petiukh V.S. and others. Kyiv: KNEU, 2018. 339 p. Labor and social and labor relations: a dictionary-reference / Kolot AM and others. Kyiv: KNEU, 2018. 451 p. Shchetinina L.V., Rudakova S.G., Danilevich N.S. Managerial aspects of the use of artificial intelligence (7.3.). Behavioral economics: from theory to practice. An interdisciplinary textbook. Truskavets. 2022. Pp. 324-335. Rudakova S.G., Danilevich N.S., Shchetinina L.V., Poplavska O.M., Rudakov O.G. Digital literacy and digital skills of the future. Textbook “Exabyte economy”. Truskavets. 2022. Pp. 9-18.
Distance courses:Distance learning course “IVF-Labor organization and regulation _Danylevych - QUAR35” (2020). URL: http://do-m.kneu.kiev.ua/course/view.php?id=1527. Distance course “Labor organization and regulation - Danilevych - HRPM49025U_DIST” (2020). URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=2474. Distance course “Human Resources Management HRPM49020U” (2020): http://do-m.kneu.kiev.ua/course/view.php?id=3091. Distance course “IVF-Personnel Management - Danilevych - QUAR1061” (2020-2021). URL: http://do-m.kneu.kiev.ua/course/view.php?id=3312. Distance course “Personnel Safety - Danilevich HRPM26063U” (2022). URL: Distance course “Electronic personnel document management - Danilevich - HRPM26064U” (2022). URL: Distance course “Motivational Management” - Danilevych - HRPM36026U (2023). URL: |