Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Alla Ilienko

Department:Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
Position:Senior Lecturer
Teacher degree: none
Degree: none
Teaching Experience:21


- 2000-2001 - Kyiv National Economic University, 2001, Human Resource Management, Master of Personnel Management

- 2001-2004 - postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman


Work Experience

Since 2004, he has been working at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman:

2019 - present    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Socioeconomics and Human Resources Management

2004 - 2019 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Labour Economics and Personnel Management


Awards, Honorary titles

- Diploma, Acknowledgement of the KNEU named after V. Hetman


Development Courses and Programmes


- Certificate No. 2986 14.01.2025 Advanced training courses ‘Distance technologies in the educational space of the university’ (180 hours) ( )


-Certificate No. WS-05-2024-244 of the fifth international winter school of pedagogical excellence ‘EDUCATION 4.0 AND PEDAGOGICAL EXCELLENCE’ 16-20 December 2024, in accordance with the theme of the event, a training course (20 hours) ( )

- Certificate No. 828 of the participant of the project for the development of cooperation between business and education ‘Uni-Biz Bridge’ ‘Modern teacher’ 27-29.02.2024 (12 hours) ( )

- EU4DEFA Autumn School 1.0 ‘EU for the development of digital, environmental and financial awareness of citizens’ within the framework of the implementation of the EU ERASMUS+ programme, Jean Monnet Module 101174694-EU4DEFA-ERASMUS-JMO-2024-HEI-TCH-RSCH 28/10/2024-01/11/2024, 1 ECTS (30 hours).( )


- Certificate of professional development. Webinars with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Safety and health management system at work. International standard ISO 45001:2018 Kyiv. 2023 (4 hours (0.13 ECTS)) LUSMF0-CE000394.( )

- Certificate of professional development. Webinars with the support of the ILO project funded by the EU ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Mental health at work. Lecturer Jannet Arshymova. Kyiv. 2023 OFCWYA-CE000341 (4 hours (0.13 ECTS)).( )

- Certificate of advanced training. Webinars with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Risk assessment. Effective risk control practices. Lecturer Andy Hart. Kyiv. 2023 (4 hours FSEG0A-CE000271 (0.13 ECTS)).(

- Certificate of advanced training. Webinars supported by the ILO EU-funded project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Work in confined spaces. Investigation of incidents. Taught by Stuart Carnegie. Kyiv. 2023 (4 hours 73DMHA-CE000109 (0.13 ECTS)).)).( )

- Certificate of professional development. Webinars with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Hazardous substances. Reducing the impact of harmful factors in the workplace. Lecturer Alex Morales. Kyiv. 2023 (4 hours O8PUYS-CE000073 (0.13 ECTS)).( )

- Certificate of advanced training. Webinars with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Safety of machines and mechanisms. LOTO system. Lecturers: Andrii Talko, Dariusz Kowalski. Kyiv. 2023 C5LN5M-CE000363 (4 hours (0.13 ECTS)).( )

- Certificate of advanced training. Webinars with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project ‘Towards Safe, Healthy and Declared Work in Ukraine’. Working at height. Examples of contractor management. Lecturer: Georges Loßiger Kyiv. 2023 (4 hours BB9Y8G-CE000489 (0.13 ECTS)).( )

- Certificate ‘Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education’ from NGO ‘Progressive’ №0204 of 1 May, 30 hours / 1 ECTS ( )

- Certificate of CADROLAND LLC ‘Military accounting on the example of officers’ 24.03.2023 (1 hour).( )

- Certificate of CADROLAND LLC ‘Military accounting in a new way’ 24.03.2023 (5 hours).( )

- Certificate of CADROLAND LLC ‘Working with the classifier of professions, job descriptions’ 14.04.2023 (1 hour).( )

- Certificate of CADROLAND LLC ‘Respondent's office: a resource for submitting statistical e-reporting’ 24.03.2023 (1 hour).( )

- Certificate of CADROLAND LLC ‘Modern School of Personnel and Budget Officer’ 14.01.2023 (3 hours).( )

- Certificate of KADROLAND LLC ‘Labour reform. Written employment contracts’ 14.01.2023 (3 hours).( )

- Erasmus+ project on ‘Capacity Development of Higher Education’ PAGOSTE ‘New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardisation of vocational teacher training in Ukraine’ № 609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP training (9 academic hours. ) on the topic ‘INSTITUTIONALISATION AND INTERNATIONALISATION OF PARTNERSHIP IN VOCATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING’ organised by University of Konstanz on 25.04.2023-26.04.2023 (


- British Counsіl, Charitable Foundation ‘Welfare of Ukraine’ Local training ‘Active citizens’ 10,11,17,18 December 2022, Ukraine. (

- Certificate of KADROLAND LLC online school ‘HR professional development’ 14.11.2022 (22 hours). (