| - Faculties»
- Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology»
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- Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management»
- Faculty members»
- Vonberh Tetiana Viktorivna
Tetiana Vonberh Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Associate professor |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | Ph.D. in Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 21 |
Education- 1998-2002 - Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University named after Admiral Makarov, Bachelor's degree in Economics and Entrepreneurship (diploma with honors)
- 1999-2002 - Polytechnic College, qualification of junior specialist in the specialty “Jurisprudence” (diploma with honors)
- 2002-2003 - Kirovograd State Technical University, Master's degree in Human Resources Management (diploma with honors)
- 2004-2007 - Postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, postgraduate studies with a break from production.
- PhD in Economics; dissertation on “Efficiency of implementation of active programs to promote employment: methodology and practice of evaluation” defended on December 06, 2007 at the Specialized Academic Council D 26.006.03 at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (diploma DK № 046063 of April 09, 2008, protocol № 43-06/4).
- academic title - Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics (certificate 12DC №037247, decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine of January 17, 2014, protocol № 1/02-D)
Work experienceSince 2006 she has been working at the KNEU named after V. Hetman - April 2021 - present - Associate Professor of the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
- August 2010 - March 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- August 2008 - August 2010 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- September 2006 - August 2008 - Assistant of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- November 2004 - November 2007 - full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- September 2003 - October 2004 - Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Law of the Pervomaiskyi Educational and Research Center of the I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University
- June 1998 - July 1999 - Regional Legal Consultant of the South Ukrainian Training and Consulting Center of the Institute of Management, Business and Law
Development Courses and Programmes2024 - Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman, A. Poruchyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education, Certificate No. 1827, advanced training courses “Accreditation Coaching” May 31, 2024, 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/bykmqx)
2023 - Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman, Anatoliy Poruchyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education, Certificate №0787 on advanced training in the program “Teaching Excellence” (Training courses of the program “Gamification in Education”, “Management of educational projects”, “Art of Presentations”) of June 20, 2023, 3 ECTS credits (90 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/eellay)
- Prometheus Massive Open Online Course Platform, Certificate of Advanced Training in the course program “Academic Integrity: Online Course for Teachers” of August 15, 2023, 2 ECTS credits (60 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/apxrct)
2022 - Innovative University & Scientist Support Office, Certificate No. 1218 on advanced training in the course program “Scientist's brand in the digital world” of December 05, 2022, 1 ECTS credit (30 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/tvyjdy)
2021 - SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Certificate of advanced training in the program “Modern ICT and their use in the educational process of an economic university” 12CC, 02070884/070199-21 of May 20, 2021, 4 ECTS credits (120 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/kcmbpi
 Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Position: | Associate professor |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | Ph.D. in Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 21 |
Biography: | |
Education- 1998-2002 - Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University named after Admiral Makarov, Bachelor's degree in Economics and Entrepreneurship (diploma with honors)
- 1999-2002 - Polytechnic College, qualification of junior specialist in the specialty “Jurisprudence” (diploma with honors)
- 2002-2003 - Kirovograd State Technical University, Master's degree in Human Resources Management (diploma with honors)
- 2004-2007 - Postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, postgraduate studies with a break from production.
- PhD in Economics; dissertation on “Efficiency of implementation of active programs to promote employment: methodology and practice of evaluation” defended on December 06, 2007 at the Specialized Academic Council D 26.006.03 at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (diploma DK № 046063 of April 09, 2008, protocol № 43-06/4).
- academic title - Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics (certificate 12DC №037247, decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine of January 17, 2014, protocol № 1/02-D)
Work experienceSince 2006 she has been working at the KNEU named after V. Hetman - April 2021 - present - Associate Professor of the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
- August 2010 - March 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- August 2008 - August 2010 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- September 2006 - August 2008 - Assistant of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- November 2004 - November 2007 - full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics
- September 2003 - October 2004 - Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Law of the Pervomaiskyi Educational and Research Center of the I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University
- June 1998 - July 1999 - Regional Legal Consultant of the South Ukrainian Training and Consulting Center of the Institute of Management, Business and Law
Development Courses and Programmes2024 - Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman, A. Poruchyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education, Certificate No. 1827, advanced training courses “Accreditation Coaching” May 31, 2024, 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/bykmqx)
2023 - Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman, Anatoliy Poruchyk Educational and Research Institute of Business Education, Certificate №0787 on advanced training in the program “Teaching Excellence” (Training courses of the program “Gamification in Education”, “Management of educational projects”, “Art of Presentations”) of June 20, 2023, 3 ECTS credits (90 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/eellay)
- Prometheus Massive Open Online Course Platform, Certificate of Advanced Training in the course program “Academic Integrity: Online Course for Teachers” of August 15, 2023, 2 ECTS credits (60 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/apxrct)
2022 - Innovative University & Scientist Support Office, Certificate No. 1218 on advanced training in the course program “Scientist's brand in the digital world” of December 05, 2022, 1 ECTS credit (30 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/tvyjdy)
2021 - SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Certificate of advanced training in the program “Modern ICT and their use in the educational process of an economic university” 12CC, 02070884/070199-21 of May 20, 2021, 4 ECTS credits (120 hours), Kyiv, Ukraine (http://surl.li/kcmbpi
Department: | Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management |
Areas of research: | Areas of research- - state employment service,
- - active employment programs,
- - employment of the population,
- - personnel management,
- - personnel management technologies,
- - psychology of personnel management,
- - social responsibility.
Profiles in international scientometric databases |
Uploaded files: | 0 |
Publications: | Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection- 1. Vonberg T.V. Remote employment of workers: new challenges and opportunities. Business Inform. 2020. №4. C. 259-265. URL: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-4-259-265 (Ukrainian)
- 2. Vasylyk A.V., Vonberg T.V., Dorosh M.O. Factors and measures of job satisfaction in modern conditions. Modern Economics. 2020. №21. С.30-36. URL: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V21(2020)-05 (Ukrainian)
- 3. Vonberg T.V., Golovko A.A. Recruiting personnel in the era of digitalization. Business Inform. 2020. №6. С.313-318. URL: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-6-313-318 (Ukrainian)
- 4. Vonberg T.V., Golovko A.A. Trends in the development of personnel recruitment through the prism of digital innovations. Market infrastructure. 2020. №45. С. 79-82. URL: https://doi.org/10.32843/infrastruct45-13 (Ukrainian)
- 5. Vonberg T.V., Kudymenko D.M. Features of recruiting personnel in IT companies. Business Inform. 2020. №7. С. 287-292. URL: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-7-287-292 (Ukrainian)
- 6. Dynamics of motivational levers under the influence of a pandemic. Problems of Economics. 2021. №3. C. 167-174. URL: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-0712-2021-3-167-174 (Ukrainian)
- 7. Organization of labor processes in an unstable global ecosystem / H. Smaliychuk et al. Social and labor relations: theory and practice. 2021. №11(1). C.43-55. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/slrtp.11(1).2021.04 (Ukrainian)
- 8. Vonberg T.V., Golovko A.A. Formation of the socio-psychological climate in a pandemic. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. 2022. Iss.1(59). С.79-84. URL: https://doi.org/10.24144/2409-6857.2022.1(59).79-84 (Ukrainian)
- 9. Evaluation of the company's personnel in the context of the new socio-economic reality: implementation of the OKR system / T. Vonberg et al. Business Inform. 2022. №1. C. 423-431. URL: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2022-1-423-431 (Ukrainian)
- 10. Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M., Lavrukhina I.K. Research of factors influencing the formation of the employer's brand. Market infrastructure. 2023. № 73. C.8-12. URL: https://doi.org/10.32782/infrastruct73-2. (Ukrainian)
- 11. Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M., Krochak V.S. Modern practices of personnel selection: analysis of development trends. Economy and society. 2023. №52. URL: https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-52-66 (Ukrainian)
- 12. Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M., Fafengut Y.I. Formation of the company's social package in the new socio-economic realities. Black Sea Economic Studies. 2023. №82. С.92-98. URL: https://doi.org/10.32782/bses.82-14 (Ukrainian)
- 13. Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M., Zubova Y.V. Employer brand: the process of formation and research of efficiency. Economic space. 2024. № 189. С.25-29. URL:https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/189-4 (Ukrainian)
- 14. Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M., Shtilhoiz O.L. Investing in human capital: transformation and development. Entrepreneurship and innovation. 2024. № 30. С.7-13. URL: https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/30.1 (Ukrainian)
- 15. Structural and Functional Model of the Social Sphere: Methodological Approaches and Legal Framework / Lopushniak H. et al. Review of Economics and Finance. 2023. №21. Р. 2003–2010. URL: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.215 (Scopus)
- 16. Evaluación de la reforma del sistema de protección social en el contexto de la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible / Lopushniak H. et al. Interacción y Perspectiva Revista de Trabajo Social. 2024. Vol. 14. No 1. Р. 26-42. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8319394 https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/interaccion/article/view/40836 (Web of Science Core Collection)
Patents and copyright - Certificate of copyright registration for the work - textbook “Personnel Management” (team of authors) No. 58265 dated January 23, 2015.
Popular science and/or scientific and expert publications on scientific or professional topics, conference proceedings and abstracts- Vonberg T.V. Obstacles in social communications of freshmen. The digital ecosystem of the modern university: epidemic restrictions and challenges of martial law: collection of materials of the scientific and methodological conference, Kyiv, November 26. 2022 / KNEU. Kyiv, 2022. С.228-231. URL: https://sites.google.com/kneu.edu.ua/nmkonf-kneu/
- Vonberg T.V., Panasenko D.I. Effective selection of personnel through the prism of modern HR technologies. Slobozhansky scientific readings: socio-economic and humanitarian-legal dimensions: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference, Kharkiv, October 17-18. 2023 / NTU “KhPI”. Kharkiv, 2023. С.54-59. URL: https://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/70928
- Vonberg T., Shtilhoiz O. Tools for staff motivation: challenges of our time. Transformations of the individual, society and labor market: challenges of the future and the impact on education: collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kharkiv, September 20-22. 2023 / V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Kharkiv, 2023. С.461-462. URL: https://ekhnuir.karazin.ua/bitstreams/7f97316a-7328-4ec7-9f7a-41db4680dfa8/download
- Shtilhoiz O., Vonberg T. Challenges in the field of personnel management. Scientific support for the development of the national economy: achievements of theory and problems of practice: materials of the X All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference, Poltava, November 9. 2023 / PDAU. Poltava, 2023. С.350-352. URL: https://biotechuniv.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/015-stud-zb-2.pdf
- Vonberg T., Zubova Y. Employer brand: formation and development in the conditions of post-war reconstruction of the country. Problems and prospects of post-war development of Ukraine: materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Kyiv, December 7-8. 2023 / Mariupol State University, Kyiv, 2023. С.48-50. URL: https://surl.li/rvaexc
- Vonberg T.V., Dmytruk S.M. Company staff turnover in conditions of turbulence. Management of the development of socio-economic systems: materials of the VII international scientific and practical conference, Part 1. Kharkiv, March 21-22. 2024 / DBTU. Kharkiv, 2024. С.150-152. URL: https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua/handle/123456789/50148
- Vonberg T.V., Linevych O.V. Personnel assessment in domestic and foreign practice. Personnel management in the management system of organizations: trends and prospects for development: materials of the III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference, Lviv, May 31. 2024 / Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. Lviv, 2024. С.78-79. URL: https://science.lpnu.ua/sites/default/files/attachments/2024/jun/34863/iiivnpikhrm.pdf
- Vonberg T.V., Kovalchuk O.S. Development of Ukrainian HR-management in the context of transformations. Tendencies and prospects for the development of management in the context of global challenges: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kherson - Kropyvnytskyi, May 30, 2024 / Book publishing house of Vyshemyrskyi V.S. Kherson, 2024. С.18-19. URL: http://www.ksau.kherson.ua/konferenc/10971-conf-20240624-1.html
- Vonberg T.V., Panasenko D.I. Activity of recruiting agencies: challenges and effectiveness. Theory and practice of developing the ecosystem of the social sphere in the conditions of the post-war revival of Ukraine: collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, April 17-18. 2024 / KNEU. Kyiv, 2024. С.87-89. URL: https://www.bsu.ge/text_files/ge_file_16506_2.pdf
- Vonberg T.V., Dutko V.R. Trends in the development of personnel management. Economic prospects of entrepreneurship: challenges of wartime and post-war reconstruction: collection of materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Irpin, May 31. 2024 / State Tax University. Irpin, 2024. С. 444-447. URL: https://ir.dpu.edu.ua/items/91060846-c6d6-47ce-9f48-47b5c2fedfb0
- Vonberg T.V., Gudkov A.O. Research on staff motivation: tangible and intangible components. Actual problems of management of socio-economic systems: materials of the X International scientific and practical conference, Part 2. Lutsk, December 6. 2024. Lutsk, 2024. С.97-99. URL: https://surl.li/mxvrks
Academic disciplines (courses) - TC “Personnel Assessment” - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
- “Personnel Assessment” - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
- “Recruiting” - for second-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
- “Personnel Management” - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Educational and methodological publications- Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defense of qualifying master's theses of applicants at the second (master's) level of higher education of the educational and professional program “Personnel Management” of specialty 073 - “Management” / A.M. Kolot and others, 2023. 85 с. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SlwbI7daoI82XtOx0lLe8_mABk3skMIG/view. (Ukrainian)
Distance courses- 1. Vonberg T.V. Distance course “TC ‘Recruiting’ - Vonberg - HRPM26054U_DIST” / T.V. Vonberg - Electronic data. - Kyiv: KNEU - Access mode: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=6202 - Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 20.03.2019. - Date of update: 20.01.2025.(Ukrainian)
- 2. Vonberg T.V. Distance course “Personnel Management - Vonberg - HRPM49020U” / T.V. Vonberg - Electronic data. - Kyiv: KNEU. - Access mode: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=1115 - Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 28.08.2020. - Date of update: 20.12.2024. (Ukrainian)
- 3. Vonberg T.V. Distance course “TC Personnel Assessment - Vonberg - 05.02.2025_13” / T.V. Vonberg - Electronic data. - Kyiv: KNEU. - Access mode: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=6198 - Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 28.01.2021. - Date of update: 05.02.2025. (Ukrainian)
- 4. Vonberg T.V. Distance course “Personnel Assessment - Vonberg - HRPM36028U” / T.V. Vonberg - Electronic data. - Kyiv: KNEU. - Access mode: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=2226 - Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 28.01.2021. - Date of update: 05.02.2025. (Ukrainian)
- 5. Vonberg T.V. Distance course “Recruiting - Vonberg- HRPM36041U” / T.V. Vonberg - Electronic data. - Kyiv: KNEU. - Access mode: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=2247- Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 20.03.2019. - Date of update: 20.01.2025. (Ukrainian)