Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Fedir Ivanenko

Department:Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
Teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:candidate of agricultural sciences
Teaching Experience:37

Experience in production- zootechnician-breeder of educational and research farm "Ukraine" of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute, chief zootechnician-breeder of state farm "Reya" of Berdychiv district, Zhytomyr region. Research Station of Meat and Cattle Breeding, Junior Research Associate, Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Management Laboratory.

First higher education- Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute, 1982, zoo engineer.

 Second higher education - Kyiv State University of Economics, 1996, International Economics, International Business Management.

  Scientific degree - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, 1988).  Academic title - docent.

Co-author of the development and introduction into production of a synthetic cryoprotectant (N-acylethanolamine of polyunsaturated fatty acids) for the preservation of gametes in a frozen state. This scientific development is patented in Ukraine and abroad.

The author of the development of a patented methodology for testing the completeness of reproductive cycles in cows and heifers.

The author of 12 educational and teaching-methodical manuals with a total volume of more than 100 d.a. (including 5 individual ones, , 10 scientific developments protected by copyright certificates (including 2 copyright certificates for inventions).

Awards: "EXCELLENT OF EDUCATION", badge of the Ministry of Education Ukraine, 2018,

    "DESERVED EMPLOYEE of the Kyiv National University of Economics", 2011,

    CERTIFICATE OF HONOR Kyiv National University of Economics" (2006, 2018, 2019).