| - Faculties»
- Faculty of Economics and Management»
- Departments»
- Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship»
- Faculty members»
- Yakusheva Nataliia Valentynivna
Nataliia Yakusheva Department: | Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship |
Position: | associate professor |
Teacher degree: | none |
Degree: | Ph.D. in Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 3 |
Education: - 2000 - 2005 - Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technologies, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", qualification - bachelor's degree in finance (diploma KV No. 25939171).
- 2005 - 2007 - Ukrainian State University of Economics and Finance, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", specialty - "Finance", qualification - master's degree in finance (diploma KV No. 30709219).
- 2018 - 2022 - studying at the graduate school "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman".
- scientific degree - doctor of philosophy in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity, field of Study"Management and administration", Programme Subject Area "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity"; dissertation on the topic "Forminganinnovationentrepreneurshipecosystem" was defended on September 7, 2023 in the specialized scientific council at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (diploma H23 No. 001432 dated October 2, 2023).
Work experience: Since 2021, she has been working at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. - 2024 - to date - associate professor of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2023 - 2024 - senior teacher of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2021 - 2023 - assistant of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2006 - 2008 - engineer-economist at KP "Bilotserkiv city road maintenance management".
- 2000 - 2006 - accountant at the "Etalon", plant, Bila Tserkva.
Awards: - 2022 - laureate of the academic scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for graduate students.
Advanced training and internship: - Institute of Postgraduate Education of State Higher Secondary School "KNEU named Vadym Hetman", Certificate 12СС 02070884/070004-20, program "Modern ICT and its use in the educational process of an economic university" (120 hours). Registration number 353 dated December 21, 2020.
- Institute of post-graduate education of State University "KNEU named after Vadym Hetman ", program "Language brand of a modern professional" (120 hours). Certificate 12SS 02070884 / 070535-22. Registration number 117 dated 04/19/2022.
- Center for Financial Literacy, webinar "Entrepreneurship and startup support ecosystem: experience of Poland, lessons for Ukraine" (3 hours). Certificate ECO-10-2022 dated November 28, 2022.
- Scientific and educational center for intensive study of foreign and Ukrainian languages "Intensiv" of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, certificate No. 466 dated 27.12.2023 proficiency in English at B2 level.
- International internship. Topic: «ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ON THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY:COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF POLAND». X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice". October 10-11, 2024. Poland, Wroclaw TERRA NOVA.
Organizational work: - Member of the organizing committee of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the field of "Entrepreneurship" 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice" in 2022.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the 91st annual student scientific conference of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman "Innovative projects for economic revival and competitive development of Ukraine", May 2024, Kyiv: KNEU.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the X International scientific and practical conference "Economics of the enterprise: theory and practice". October 10-11, 2024, Kyiv: KNEU.
 Department: | Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship |
Position: | associate professor |
Teacher degree: | none |
Degree: | Ph.D. in Economics |
Teaching Experience: | 3 |
Biography: | |
Education: - 2000 - 2005 - Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technologies, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", qualification - bachelor's degree in finance (diploma KV No. 25939171).
- 2005 - 2007 - Ukrainian State University of Economics and Finance, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", specialty - "Finance", qualification - master's degree in finance (diploma KV No. 30709219).
- 2018 - 2022 - studying at the graduate school "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman".
- scientific degree - doctor of philosophy in entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity, field of Study"Management and administration", Programme Subject Area "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity"; dissertation on the topic "Forminganinnovationentrepreneurshipecosystem" was defended on September 7, 2023 in the specialized scientific council at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (diploma H23 No. 001432 dated October 2, 2023).
Work experience: Since 2021, she has been working at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. - 2024 - to date - associate professor of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2023 - 2024 - senior teacher of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2021 - 2023 - assistant of the department of business - economics and entrepreneurship.
- 2006 - 2008 - engineer-economist at KP "Bilotserkiv city road maintenance management".
- 2000 - 2006 - accountant at the "Etalon", plant, Bila Tserkva.
Awards: - 2022 - laureate of the academic scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for graduate students.
Advanced training and internship: - Institute of Postgraduate Education of State Higher Secondary School "KNEU named Vadym Hetman", Certificate 12СС 02070884/070004-20, program "Modern ICT and its use in the educational process of an economic university" (120 hours). Registration number 353 dated December 21, 2020.
- Institute of post-graduate education of State University "KNEU named after Vadym Hetman ", program "Language brand of a modern professional" (120 hours). Certificate 12SS 02070884 / 070535-22. Registration number 117 dated 04/19/2022.
- Center for Financial Literacy, webinar "Entrepreneurship and startup support ecosystem: experience of Poland, lessons for Ukraine" (3 hours). Certificate ECO-10-2022 dated November 28, 2022.
- Scientific and educational center for intensive study of foreign and Ukrainian languages "Intensiv" of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, certificate No. 466 dated 27.12.2023 proficiency in English at B2 level.
- International internship. Topic: «ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ON THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY:COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF POLAND». X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice". October 10-11, 2024. Poland, Wroclaw TERRA NOVA.
Organizational work: - Member of the organizing committee of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the field of "Entrepreneurship" 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice" in 2022.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the 91st annual student scientific conference of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman "Innovative projects for economic revival and competitive development of Ukraine", May 2024, Kyiv: KNEU.
- Work as part of the organizing committee of the X International scientific and practical conference "Economics of the enterprise: theory and practice". October 10-11, 2024, Kyiv: KNEU.
Department: | Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship |
Areas of research: | Areas of scientific research: Entrepreneurship. Innovative entrepreneurship. Ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship. Startups, their creation and financing. Organizational development of the enterprise.
Scientific and educational projects, research works: "Neo-economics and imperatives of entrepreneurship development", 0116U001555, 2016-2020. Scientific topic No. 929 "Development of academic entrepreneurship and business acceleration in the COVID-dependent socio-economic space" (state registration number 0122U000962) 2022-2023. "Neo-industrialization and socialization of entrepreneurship in the digital economy", 0121U109203, 2021-2025. "Science-business-education: strategic partnership": XI International Business Forum. KNEU named after Vadym Hetman. November 23, 2023. Certificate dated November 23,2023. XII International Business Forum "SCIENCE-BUSINESS-EDUCATION: Strategic Partnership". November 7, 2024 Kyiv, KNEU. Certificate dated November 7, 2024. International Forum "Economic Revival of Ukraine". November 20-21, 2024 Kyiv. KNEU. Certificate dated November 21, 2024.
Profiles in international scientometric databases: - ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9511-2723
- Google Scholar
Certificates of copyright registration for scientific works: «Definition of the term «Ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship»No. 97597 of 19.05.2020. «Educational and scientific programme for the training of higher education applicants at the third (educational and scientific) level» Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities»in the specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities» of the field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational qualification - Doctor of Philosophy’ No. 121235 dated 14.08.2023. Certificate of registration of copyright for work No. 122122 dated 20.12.2023. Scientific work «Three-cluster GSI-model of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship». Certificate of registration of copyright in work No. 122123 dated 20.12.2023 «Spatial approach to the formation and development of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship, taking into account the local, zonal and network types of spatial configuration of its subjects». Certificate of copyright registration for work No. 122124 dated 20.12.2023. Scientific work «Mechanism for supporting innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine». Certificate of registration of copyright for work No. 122125 dated 20.12.2023. Scientific work «Parametric model for assessing the development of innovative entrepreneurship». Certificate of copyright registration for work No. 122126 dated 20.12.2023 «Principles of formation and development of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship». Certificate of registration of copyright in a work No. 125848 dated 19.04.2024 Literary work of a scientific nature «Work programme of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 076 «Entrepreneurship and Trade», educational and professional programme «Commercial Activity and Logistics», compulsory, 2023». Certificate of registration of copyright in a work No. 125849 dated 19.04.2024 Literary written work of a scientific nature «Work programme of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 073 «Management”, educational and professional programme» Management of the social sphere», compulsory, 2023». Certificate of registration of copyright in a work No. 125850 dated 19.04.2024 Literary written work of a scientific nature «Work programme of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 073 «Management», educational and professional programme «Personnel Management», compulsory, 2023». Certificate of copyright registration for work No. 125851 dated 19.04.2024 Literary written work of a scientific nature «Work programme of the discipline «Organisational Development of Enterprise»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, selective, 2023». Certificate of registration of copyright in work No. 125852 dated 19.04.2024 Literary written work of a scientific nature «Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defence of course work in the discipline «Entrepreneurship»at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 073 «Management», educational and professional programme «Management of the Social Sphere», 2023». Certificate of copyright registration for the work No. 125853 dated 19.04.2024 Literary written work of a scientific nature «Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defence of course work in the discipline «Entrepreneurship»at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», specialty 073 «Management», educational and professional programme «Personnel Management», 2023».
Uploaded files: | 0 |
Publications: | Total number of publications: 30 scientific and educational-methodical works
Publications in specialized scientific publications of Ukraine, which are included in international scientometric bases: 1. Yakusheva N.V. (2018). Modern models of innovative entrepreneurship / N.V. Yakusheva // Economics and entrepreneurship. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 40.— K. : KNEU, 2018. - p. - 128-137. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/26048/EP_40_13.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 2. Yakusheva N.V. (2019). Taxonomic analysis of the development of innovative entrepreneurship / N.V. Yakusheva // Economics and entrepreneurship. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 42 - K.: KNEU, 2019. - P. 98-113. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/30951/ep_42_9.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 3. Nataliia Yakusheva. (2020). FORMING AN INNOVATION ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM IN UKRAINE / Yakusheva Nataliia // European journal of economics and management. Volume 6. Issue 2. 2020.DOI:10.46340/eujem.2020.6.2. - 183 p. - PP. 75-82. URL:https://eujem.cz/wp-content/uploads/2020/eujem_2020_6_2/11.pdf 4. Riepina, I., Yakusheva, N. (2021). Development of Ecosystems of Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Global Dimension. Volume 59, Issue 1,January-March 2021. Education of Economists and Managers, 59 (1), p. 95-107. Retrieved from:https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/EEiM/article/view/2725/2412 5. Riepina, I., Yakusheva, N. (2022). The Development of an Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Era of industry 4.0.Education of Economists and Managers, 65 (3), p. 71-91. Retrieved from:https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/EEiM/article/view/2904 6. Yakusheva N.V. (2022). Development of a roadmap for cooperation between young scientists and business in the context of forming an ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship / N.V. Yakusheva // Scientific works of NDFI. - 2022. - No. 3. - p. 145-159. URLhttp://npndfi.org.ua/?page_id=17&mode=view&lang=uk&year=2022&issueno=3 7. Yakusheva N.V., Repina I.M. (2022). Ensuring the quality of business processes in the three-cluster GSI model of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship. Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi National University. 2022. No. 6, Volume 2. P. 376-381. DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2022-312-6(2)-63, URL: http://journals.khnu.km.ua/vestnik/?p=18207 Collective monograph: 1. Riepina I., Kuzmenko O., Yakusheva N. (2019). VENTURE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE UKRAINIAN CONTEXT / Innovative entrepreneurship: approach to facing relevant socio-humanitarian and technological challenges : collective monograph / I. M. Riepina, V. V. Lavrenenko, L.A. Petrenko, G. O. Shvydanenko, etc. –Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres,2019. – 204 p. – PP.44-62. Liha-Pres is an international publishing house which belongs to the category „C” according to the classification of Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE). DOI https://doi.org/10.36059/978-966-397-163-6/44-62. URL:http://catalog.liha-pres.eu/index.php/liha-pres/catalog/view/71/796/1745-1 Approbation, scientific - popular, consulting, scientific - expert publications on scientific or professional topics: 1. Yakusheva N.V., Repina I.M. Social entrepreneurship as an innovative tool in solving issues of social development. Social entrepreneurship: theory, practice and international experience: coll. materials of the International science and practice conf. Kyiv: KNEU, 2018. - p. 149-152. URL: https://kneu.edu.ua/userfiles/Faculty_of_Economics_and_Administration/news/20180613/18-5454.pdf 2. Yakusheva N.V. Theoretical aspects of defining the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship. Economy of enterprise: theory and experience : collection of materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 12, 2018, Kyiv, Krakow, Praha, Nairobi) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman [et al .]. – Kraków; Nairobi(IDIA), 2018. P. 74–76. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/30570/eet_18_24.pdf?sequence=1 3. Yakusheva N.V. Information technology support for monitoring the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Formation of the mechanism of public management of the development of rural areas as a priority of the state policy of decentralization: coll. materials of the International science and practice conf. Zhytomyr – 2018. p. 554-556. URL: http://znau.edu.ua/images/public_document/2020/zb04122018.pdf#page=554 4. Yakusheva N. Parameters of evaluating the development of innovative enterprise [Electronic resource] / Nataliya Yakusheva // Innovative enterprise: state and prospects of development: coll. materials IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, March 29–30. 2019 / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, DVNZ "Kyiv". national economy University named after V. Hetman" [etc.] ; [organizational committee: G. AT. Shvydanenko (head) and others]. - Electron. text. data. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2019. – p. 53–55. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/31106/IP_19_16.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. 5. Riepina Inna, Yakusheva NataliiaCOMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS IN EU COUNTRIES BY DOING BUSINESS RATING / Inna Riepina, Nataliia Yakusheva // Strategies for Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development of Small and Medium-Sized Innovative Entrepreneurship: International Conference. Riga: Baltic International Academy. 2019. - P. 48 - 52.URL: https://ndipzir.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/Ryha_09.10.19/Ryha_09.10.19_10.pdf. 6. Yakusheva N.V. Drivers of the development of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship / N.V. Yakusheva // V All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Innovative Entrepreneurship: Status and Prospects of Development" in Kyiv March 30-31, 2020 - p. 45-46. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/34326. 7. Yakusheva N.V. Scientific potential of development of regional ecosystems of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine / N.V. Yakusheva // International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Entrepreneurship and Business Administration: Modern Trends" Kharkiv February 01-28, 2021 - p. 125-129. URL: https://ojs.kname.edu.ua/index.php/area/article/view/2639/2509. 8. N. Yakushev The electronic and information basis of the formation of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Modern Problems of Theory and Practice". September 10-11, 2021. Odesa. Ukrainian magazine "Economist" No. 9/2021. - p. 48-49. URL: https:www.Zhurnal Economist_№9-2021.pdf. 9. Yakusheva N.V. Formation of an ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship in the context of a spatial approach. II International scientific and practical conference on problems of higher education and science "Modern challenges of sustainable business development". November 04-05, 2021. Zhytomyr - p. 59. Modern challenges of sustainable business development: theses of speeches of the II International. science and practice conf. with questions higher education and sciences - Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Polytechnic, 2021. - 459 p. URL: https://conf.ztu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/59.pdf. 10. Repina I. M., Yakusheva N.V., Raputa K.O. Dynamic analysis of venture capital investment in the field of innovative entrepreneurship. In: Neo-economics and imperatives of entrepreneurship development: monograph/ I.M. Repina, V.P. Kukoba, G.O. Shvydanenko, O.V. Kirilyuk and others. - K.: KNEU, 2021. - P. 109-114. ISBN978-966-926-358-2 11. Natalia Yakusheva. Mechanism for supporting innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. VII All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Innovative entrepreneurship: state and prospects of development". May 30, 2022 m. Kyiv. - p. 90-93. Coll. materials VII All-Ukrainian. science and practice conferences. — K.: KNEU, 2022. — 394 p. 12. Yakusheva N.V. Reengineering of the ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship in the conditions of war. IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice". October 12-13, 2022 m. Kyiv. - K. : KNEU, 2022. 492 p. p. 131 - 134. URL: https://nubip.edu.ua/sites/default/files/u375/22-5752_bez_isbn_2.pdf 13. Yakusheva N.V., Krasnozhon O.M. Increasing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise: coll. of the materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Internet of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Scientific Colors-2023", November 17, 2023. Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. P. 52 – 55. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/server/api/core/bitstreams/33d9b85b-7c9a-4d5c-bcde-a9ec9b9de664/content 14. Yakusheva N.V., Krasnozhon O.M. KEY FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE. 91st annual student scientific conference of Vadim Hetman KNEU "Innovative projects for economic revival and competitive development of Ukraine", May 2024, KNEU. p. 14 – 16. URL: https://kneu.edu.ua/ua/znz/konf_kneu/ssc/91_shoric/ 15. Yakusheva N.V., Saveliev D.D. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE ENTERPRISE: THE ESSENCE AND FEATURES OF PROVISION. 91st annual student scientific conference of Vadim Hetman KNEU "Innovative projects for economic revival and competitive development of Ukraine", May 2024, KNEU. p. 25 – 27. URL: https://kneu.edu.ua/ua/znz/konf_kneu/ssc/91_shoric/ 16. Yakusheva N.V. Innovative technologies for managing business processes at the enterprise. X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enterprise Economics: Theory and Practice". October 10-11, 2024, Kyiv: KNEU. p. 40 - 42. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/server/api/core/bitstreams/53e8a2d1-19bf-471f-9eb4-25cf32821216/content |
Academic disciplines: "Entrepreneurship" - for first-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business" - for third-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. «Organisational Development of an Enterprise»- for fourth-year students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
Educational and methodological publications: 1. Educational programme of higher education at the third (educational and scientific level) «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities»in speciality 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities», field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration», educational qualification Doctor of Philosophy / Repina I.M., Oleksiuk O.I., Prokhorova E.V., Yakusheva N.V. - Electronic text data - Kyiv : KNEU, 2020. 20 с. Access mode: https://kneu.edu.ua/g-files/index.php?file=18egqeQkBmHOScHKR_cPqOLWqdMMYRDjL 2. Methodical instructions for performing individual tasks in the discipline «Entrepreneurship»for students of the EPP «Personnel Management»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. 14 с. 3. Methodical instructions for performing individual tasks in the discipline «Organisational Development of the Enterprise»for students of the EPP «Marketing»of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. 12 с. 4. Educational and research programme for higher education applicants at the third (educational and scientific level) «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities»in speciality 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities», field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration», educational qualification Doctor of Philosophy / Repina I.M., Petrenko L.A., Prokhorova O.V., Yakusheva N.V. // - Electronic text data. 23 с. 5. Work curriculum and methodological materials for the study of the discipline «Organisational Development of the Enterprise»(elective) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education / Lavrenenko V.V., Chukhraeva N.M., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 6. Work curriculum and methodological materials for the study of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities», field of knowledge 07 «Management and administration», educational and professional programme «Commercial activity and logistics»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kubareva I.V., Chebakova T.O., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 7. Work curriculum and methodological materials for the study of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional programme «Personnel Management»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 8. Work curriculum and methodological materials for the study of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional programme «Management of the social sphere»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 9. Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defence of course work in the discipline «Entrepreneurship»at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 073 «Management», educational and professional programme «Management of the Social Sphere», 2023 Kovtun V.P., Shergina L.A., Dmitrenko A.I., Yakusheva N.V., Repin K.S. Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 10. Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defence of course work in the discipline «Entrepreneurship»at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», speciality 073 «Management», educational and professional programme «Personnel Management», 2023 Kovtun V.P., Shergina L.A., Dmitrenko A.I., Yakusheva N.V., Repin K.S. Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 11. Work curriculum for the study of the discipline «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 015 «Vocational Education (Economics)», field of knowledge 01 «Education / Pedagogy», educational and professional programme «Economic and Business Education»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 34. (Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, Protocol of 29 August 2024, No. 1). (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024, No. 12). 12. Methodological materials for the study of the discipline «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and business»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 015 «Vocational Education (Economics)», field of knowledge 01 «Education / Pedagogy», educational and professional programme «Economic and Business Education»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 38. (Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, Protocol of 29 August 2024, No. 1). (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024, No. 12). 13. Work program of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional program «Management of the social sphere»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 34. (Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, Protocol of 29 August 2024, No. 1). (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024, No. 12). 14. Methodical materials for the study of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional programme «Management of the social sphere»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 42. (Approved by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work A. Kolot on 29 August 2024.) (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024 № 12). 15. Work program of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional program ‘Personnel Management»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 34. (Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, Protocol of 29 August 2024, No. 1). (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024, No. 12). 16. Methodical materials for the study of the discipline «Entrepreneurship»(compulsory) at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 «Management», field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», educational and professional programme «Personnel Management»/ Repina I.M., Shergina L.A., Kovtun V.P., Yakusheva N.V., Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. P. 42. (Approved by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work A. Kolot on 29 August 2024.) (Recommended by the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Protocol of 27.08.2024 № 12). |