Publications in periodicals included in the list of of professional journals of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science, Core Collection: Ligonenko L., Riepina І., Shevchuk N., Tepluk M., Domina O. Innovation and infrastructure: driving forces for entrepreneurship development and economic opportunities. Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. 2024. №5. С. 163-170. (Web of Science/Scopus) Boichenko K., Shevchuk N., Shvydka O., Kuzomko V. Resilient synergy: сrafting integrated smart business models for eu-ukrainian recovery. 2023. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. №5(52). Р. 314–326. URL: of Science) Shatilo O., Derevianko O., Boichenko K., Shevchuk N., Magdaliuk O. Strategic development of motor transport enterprises’ innovative processes in Ukraine. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR). 2023. Vol.10, No.7. Р. 940-955. URL: (Scopus) Boichenko K., Klymenko S. M., Shevchuk N.V., Terentieva O.V. Quality Management of the Ukrainian Light Industry Enterprises Integrated Development. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR). 2022.9(4), P. 165-182. DOI:10.15549/jeecar.v9i4.921 (Scopus) Shevchuk N.V., Smirnov E.V. Interrelated categories of economic growth of the enterprise. Economics and entrepreneurship. 2022. №48. С. 4-16. Specialised publication.[Ukrainian] Shevchuk NV, Magdalyuk OV. Information support for the implementation of the fundamental cost approach to enterprise capital management. Strategy of economic development of Ukraine. 2021. №49. С. 125-137. Specialist publication.[Ukrainian] Digital transformation as a driver of economic growth of industrial companies. Economics and entrepreneurship. 2021. Issue 47. С. 4-12. Specialist publication.[Ukrainian] Shevchuk NV, Terentyeva OV, Klymenko SM, Hmyria VP Investment aspects of capitalisation in the current conditions of enterprises. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2021. №4 (39). P. 533-540. (Web of Science). [Ukrainian] Strategic motivation of foreign companies' activities in Ukraine. Strategy of economic development of Ukraine. 2019. № 44. С. 50 - 62. Specialist publication.[Ukrainian] Shevchuk NV, Hybalo MV, Denyshchuk LV. Financial fundamental and cost aspects of the effectiveness of enterprise capital management. Strategy of economic development of Ukraine. 2019. Vol. 45. С. 116 - 125. Specialised publication.[Ukrainian] ShevchukN. V., Terentieva O. V., Klymenko S. M., HmyriaV. P. Managementaspectsofcapitalizationinmodernconditionsofenterpriseactivities. Bulletin of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. №4. 2019. С.85–89. of Science) ShevchukN. V., FrolovaL. V., MelnykO.., MagdaliukO. V. Developmentofscientificapproachestotheresearchofthemanagementnatureofenterprisecapital. BulletinoftheNationalacademyofsciencesoftheRepublicofKazakhstan. № 6. 2019. Р. 163 – 168. (Web of Science) Monographs: Hmyria V., Shevchuk N. European experience of reasonable specialization and lessons for Ukraine. Territory of innovations: best practices for sustainable development at the local level. Part 1: digest of analytical stage of international scientific and educational project. /Collective Monograph. Sc. ed. V. Omelianenko, O. Prokopenko, T. Tirto. Tallinn: Teadmus, 2022, 227 p. Р. 37-49. Determination and evaluation of fundamental and cost results of capital investment of industrial enterprises of Ukraine. Approaches to solving the problems of financing, security, economic and information development of business entities in a pandemic: a monograph / edited by L.M. Savchuk, L.M. Bandorina. Dnipro: Thresholds, 2021. 376 с. С. 302-321.[Ukrainian] |