Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Nataliia Shevchuk

Department:Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
Teacher degree:professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
Teaching Experience:30

Education: 1995 - graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Kyiv State Economic University with a degree in Economics and Production Management (Specialist Diploma No.ЛO-003174); 2005 - defended her PhD thesis on ‘Management of the formation and use of enterprise capital (based on the materials of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine)’ (Diploma ДK No. 029380); 2007 - Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics (certificate of 12ДЦ №018528); 2024 - Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship (AП №006165). He has been working at KNEU since 1995.

Work Expirience: 30 years.

Awards: 2016 - Acknowledgement of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; 2016 - honorary title ‘Honoured Worker of KNEU’ (certificate No. 686, order No. 927-k, 20.11.2017).

Development Courses and Programmes:

21.12.2018–Scientific and Educational Centre for Intensive Teaching of Foreign and Ukrainian as Foreign Languages ‘Intensive’ of the SHEI ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’ certificate of English language proficiency according to the CEFR B2 scale dated 21.12.2018.

24.12.2020 - IT platform for teacher's educational activities (level 3). SHEI ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’. Certificate No.12СС 02070884/070053-20.

21.12.2020 - Modern ICT and their use in the educational process of an economic university. SHEI ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’. Certificate of advanced training 12CC 02070884/070011-20.

12.2020 Internship of chief economists and chief accountants of state-owned enterprises of research farms of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, research and teaching staff of agricultural higher education institutions on agricultural economics. Institute of Agrarian Economics. Certificate of advanced training №111220025.

20.01.2022 - International Historical Biographical Institute. International certificate №5231.

19.04.2022 - Language brand of a modern professional. SHEI ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’. Certificate of advanced training 12CC 02070884/070532-22.

27.04.2023 - Accreditation Coaching. Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University. Certificate of advanced training No. 0683.