Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Department of European Economy and Business


The Department of European Economy and Business was established on September 1, 2010 (under the title - Department of European Integration). The Department’s mission is to provide fundamental training for specialists in the Bachelor’s Degree educational-professional programme "International Economic Relations", the Master’s Degree educational-professional programme "International Economic Relations", as well as the Ph.D. Degree educational-scientific programme "International Economic Relations" (Field of study - 29 "International Relations", programme subject area - 292 "International Economic Relations").

    The department’s staff also teaches both mandatory and original elective academic disciplines for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral educational programmes in such programme subject areas as "International Economics", "International Trade and Marketing", "International Financial Relations", "International Business" etc. 

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    The Master’s Degree educational-professional programme "International Economic Relations" is a new programme subject area, which is a classic direction of training international economists at KNEU. It is designed to form professional competencies necessary for global, state and business work. The curriculum of the educational programme takes into account the requirements of the leading European universities regarding the training of masters in this field. Fruitful cooperation with several European partner universities (University of Foggia (Italy), University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia), Krakow University of Economics, University of Rzeszów (Poland), Stopanska Academy (Bulgaria), etc.) made it possible to form modern content of educational disciplines and their competitive scientific and methodological background.

     The competitive advantages of master's studies have been formed for a long time within the master's programme "European Business", which was launched in 2005 and closed in 2020. This programme specialized in training international economists, able to apply their skills effectively at the supranational, state, regional and business levels. The training focused on developing practical knowledge and skills necessary for conducting business in an international setting, the ability of specialists to operate effectively in a highly competitive environment while adhering to strict regulations in various sectors of the continental market.

     The successful employment of our graduates in various government agencies, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, as well as in the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and the European Business Association, serves as proof of the high-quality master's training we provide. Our alumni also work in some leading European multinational corporations such as "Nestle" (Switzerland), "Rehau", "Siemens" (Germany), "Hilti Ltd (Ukraine)” (Liechtenstein), "Auchan," "AJC Development" (France), "FineTime LTD" (Great Britain), etc.

     Our teaching staff is a good example of efficient teamwork. We have taken part in many international projects: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Training Projects, Lifelong Learning Programme, Tacis-Tempus (EU), “Largis” (UK), training programs (London Metropolitan University (UK), Fund «InWent», Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany)), National Convention on the EU in Ukraine (Slovak Aid)) etc.

   The department staff is actively involved in international cooperation with various organizations and universities, including the National Council on Economic Education (USA), Regional Studies Association (UK), European Business Association (Ukraine), the University of Newcastle (UK), University of Foggia (Italy), Krakow University of Economics, University of Warsaw, Rzeszow University (Poland), University of Economics in Bratislava, Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic), Gazi University (Turkey), and other universities and research institutions worldwide.

   Furthermore, the department provides advisory services to both domestic and international businesses and participates in the work of three global research networks:

  • Jean Monnet Professors' network (EU),
  • Regional Studies Association (UK),
  • Center for European Studies of Columbia University (USA).
Faculty members
  • Fedirko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych
    Education 2000 ‒ 2001 ‒ Kyiv National Economic University, programme subject area "International Economics", qualification of Master in International Business Management...
    Tkalenko Svitlana Ivanivna
    EDUCATION 1990-1996 Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Faculty of Economics, programme subject area "Management in the Production Sector",...

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