| - Faculties»
- Faculty of International Economics and Management»
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- Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication»
- Faculty members»
- Shevchenko Olha Leonidivna
Olha Shevchenko Department: | Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication |
Position: | Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, PhD |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | candidate of philological sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 40 |
Education: Graduated with honors from Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. (1979) Major in Philology (English) Doctorate in English Philology, (1985)Candidate Dissertation “Semantics and Pragmatics of Indirect Directives in Modern English” Gratuated with honors from Kyiv State Economic University (1996) with Master's Degree in International Management Work Experience: 1985 -1992 teacher, senior lecturer (1986), associate professor (1989) at he Department of Foreign Languages, Kyiv Institute of National Economy; 1992 -2017 Head of Foreign Languages Department at the Faculty of International Economic Relations and then the Faculty of International Economics and Management , Kyiv National Economic University; 2017 - Head of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Department, Kyiv National Economic University Olga Shevchenko is the authors and co-author of over 60 publications on the questions of linguistics, teaching methods, intercultural communication,international economics and managements. Among them “Business English for Economists. Questions of Marketing”, “Business English for Economists. Questions of Banking and Financial Systems of Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA”, “English for Economists. Conversational Topics”, “International Investment Management”, “Business English for Economists: Written and Oral Communication”, and others. Awards and Honorary Titles Awards of the Ministery of Education and Science of Ukraine and "Gratitude of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" Development Courses and Programmes: Olga Shevchenko has had her training and development programs at the Universities of the UK, Canada, Germany, China, Belgium. - "Language Brand of a Contemporary Professional',KNEU, 10.22-2.12 2022, Certificate,12СС 02070884/070576-22 02.12.2022, (120 hours); -" Academic Integrity"- Online Course for Academics on the platform "Prometheus", certificate 31.12.2022,(60 hours); - "French as a Foreign Language", "Interculural Meetings with the Business World" (sponsorship, interviews, video blogs). 07.12.2023 -29.03.2024, Proforma ASBL, Liege, Belgium (223 hours) Пройдено курс «Академічна доброчесність: онлайн-курс для викладачів» наданий викладачами курсу через платформу масових відкритих онлайн-курсів Prometheus». Сертифікат виданий 31.12.2022 р. (60 годин |
 Department: | Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication |
Position: | Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, PhD |
Teacher degree: | associate professor |
Degree: | candidate of philological sciences |
Teaching Experience: | 40 |
Biography: | |
Education: Graduated with honors from Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. (1979) Major in Philology (English) Doctorate in English Philology, (1985)Candidate Dissertation “Semantics and Pragmatics of Indirect Directives in Modern English” Gratuated with honors from Kyiv State Economic University (1996) with Master's Degree in International Management Work Experience: 1985 -1992 teacher, senior lecturer (1986), associate professor (1989) at he Department of Foreign Languages, Kyiv Institute of National Economy; 1992 -2017 Head of Foreign Languages Department at the Faculty of International Economic Relations and then the Faculty of International Economics and Management , Kyiv National Economic University; 2017 - Head of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Department, Kyiv National Economic University Olga Shevchenko is the authors and co-author of over 60 publications on the questions of linguistics, teaching methods, intercultural communication,international economics and managements. Among them “Business English for Economists. Questions of Marketing”, “Business English for Economists. Questions of Banking and Financial Systems of Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA”, “English for Economists. Conversational Topics”, “International Investment Management”, “Business English for Economists: Written and Oral Communication”, and others. Awards and Honorary Titles Awards of the Ministery of Education and Science of Ukraine and "Gratitude of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" Development Courses and Programmes: Olga Shevchenko has had her training and development programs at the Universities of the UK, Canada, Germany, China, Belgium. - "Language Brand of a Contemporary Professional',KNEU, 10.22-2.12 2022, Certificate,12СС 02070884/070576-22 02.12.2022, (120 hours); -" Academic Integrity"- Online Course for Academics on the platform "Prometheus", certificate 31.12.2022,(60 hours); - "French as a Foreign Language", "Interculural Meetings with the Business World" (sponsorship, interviews, video blogs). 07.12.2023 -29.03.2024, Proforma ASBL, Liege, Belgium (223 hours) Пройдено курс «Академічна доброчесність: онлайн-курс для викладачів» наданий викладачами курсу через платформу масових відкритих онлайн-курсів Prometheus». Сертифікат виданий 31.12.2022 р. (60 годин |
Department: | Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication |
Areas of research: | Areas of Research Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse; Intercultural Communication; Teaching Methods in Language Learning; Multiculturalism in the Global Language Environment Participation in international research and/or educational projects European Association of Doctoral Programmes in Management and Businiss Administration (EDAMBA), KNEU Project coordinator,( 2004- present); Participation in Entreprenership Development Project "Creative Spark" in the framework of cooperation between KNEU and The University of Reding, Henley Business School,the UK, under the auspices of British Council Ukraine (2018-2022) Profiles in inernational scientometric databases ORCID: 0000-0002-7008-206X Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=DaV2DcUAAAAJ&scilu=&scisig=AMD79 |
Uploaded files: | 0 |
Publications: | O.Shevchenko has been the author and co-author of more than 60 reseach and teaching publications. Among them such textbooks as: "Business English for Economists: The Questions of Marketing'; 'Business English for Economists: The Questions of Banking and Financial Systems of Ukraine,Great Britain and the USA"; "English for Economists. Conversational Topics."; "Business English for Economists: Written and Oral Communication"; "International Investment Management", etc. Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional journals of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science: Aleksandrova, N., Shevchenko, O., Kapustina, O. and Sluchaina, L. (2023). Intercultural Competence as a Condition for the Formation and Development (Improvement) of Soft Skills for Future Top Managers of International Financial Corporations. Econ. Aff., 68 (Special Issue): 711-717. Economic Affairs, Vol. 68 (Special Issue), May 2023 DOI: 10.46852/0424-2513.2s.2023.12 SCOPUS. Mashkova, I., Shevchenko, O., Turchaninova, V.(2024) Differentiation of Concepts ' Text' and 'Discourse': Interaction and Differentiation. Bulleten of Science and Education, 11(29), 2024. [Electronic publication]. Mode of access:https://doi.org/ 10.52058/2786-6165-2024-11(29)-488-499(Ukrainian) Пройдено курс «Академічна доброчесність: онлайн-курс для викладачів» наданий викладачами курсу через платформу масових відкритих онлайн-курсів Prometheus». Сертифікат виданий 31.12.2022 р. (60 годин
Academic Disciplines English for Academic Purposes Business English Distance CoursesІ English for Academic Rurposes - Shevchenko,O., Sluchaina, L., Aleksandrova, N., Kapustina, O., Chebotareva, L.- IEFE86001U. – 2023 р. |