Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Davydenko Tetiana Viktorivna

department:Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
teacher degree: none
Degree: none

In 1998 graduated from Kyiv National Linguistic University with honours and obtained a qualification as a philologist, teacher of German and English and foreign literature. After graduation I worked as a teacher of English at the First  Kyiv State Courses of Foreign Language. Since September 2004 I have been teaching English and English as a second foreign language at the Department of Foreign languages and Intercultural Communication at Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University. Priority of research areas are - English grammar and theory and practice of translation, the field of scientific interests covers the psychological features of relationships in professional life, methods and techniques for the development of critical thinking and emotional intelligence.


1.      English for Professional Purposes

2.      English as a Major

Theory and Practice of Translation