Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Melnyk Hanna Mykolaivna

department:Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
teacher degree: none
Degree: none

Education background: Kyiv State University (1978-1983); graduate degree in Romance and Germanic languages and literature; awarded qualification: philologist, teacher of English and German languages

Work Experience:

2008– present – KNEU, ESP and Business English Lecturer 2004 –  2008 – Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD), ESP Lecturer 1983-2004 - Secondary School №4, Rivne, Ukraine. ESL Teacher (Methodologist)


- Award of American Councils for International Education for Excellence in Teaching English and American Studies (2000);

- Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Excellence in Education”(2000)