Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The Meeting of the Scientific Group on"Money and Credit"

On November 8, 2022, the meeting of the scientific group on "Money and Credit" for students of the 3rd year of the Finance Faculty was held at the Banking
and Insurance Department (head: Associate Professor Bregeda O.A). Important aspects of the economy functioning were considered.
The following students prepared presentations at the scientific group:
 Mykhailo Yakovlev on the topic "Tinization of the economy and ways to overcome it",
 Valeria Matvienko"Dollarization of the economy, its level and impact on economic development",
 Victoria Panochyshyna "Payment systems, their types and role",
 Diana Gavrylenko "Functioning of Stock Exchanges in Ukraine and the World".
The meeting of the group took place in a friendly and creative atmosphere. We thank all participants for their fruitful work and interesting reports. The next meeting of the group is scheduled for 22.11.22
Last redaction: 10.11.22