Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The Second Meeting of the Department Took Place

On September 22, at 16:00, another meeting of Banking and Insurance Department took place online via Zoom (Protocol No.2). Particularly, certification of post-graduate students of the Department was carried out. Received reports were accepted and decided to attest all post-graduate students (15 full-time and part-time post-graduate students).Along with this, three post-graduate students have been attested and expelled due to the end of the post-graduate program.

Among the current issues, the point of agenda was the recognition of the results of advanced training (Prof. Baranov A.). Associated Professors Stetsiuk T., Khodakevych S. were recommended for obtaining the title `Honored employee of KNEU`.

Head of the Department, Prof. Prymostka L. thanked those present for their fruitful work during the meeting.