Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

We are happy to present the new tutorial `Social Insurance`

We are happy to present the new tutorial `Social Insurance’.
It was published by authorship of the professors of the Banking and Insurance Department,
T. Stеtsiuk, O. Dymnich, O. Murashko.
The tutorial on the academic discipline “Social Insurance” is prepared in accordance with the Program of this discipline. It includes nine topics in logical row which contain expository lecture material, professional competences of the applicants, methodological advice on study, terminology glossary of basic concepts, plan of the seminar sessions, case studies for the workshops, discussion questions, testing knowledge tasks, tasks for self-work, tests, tasks for solving, examples of the tasks – solving. Regulatory and legal acts are systematized, visual materials in terms of attachments, recommended literature produced.
Present tutorial on the discipline “Social Insurance” will help in the theoretical knowledge assimilation as well as in practical skills developing in the field of social insurance.
It has been designed for the high school applicants of the economic specialities of bachelor level for the specialty “Finance, Banking and Insurance”.
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Last redaction: 20.01.23