Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Kryvoshlyk Tetiana Dmytriivna

department:Department of Banking and Insurance
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
In 1993 graduated from the Kyiv State University of Economics ("KNEU named after Vadim Hetman "), majoring in finance and credit. In 1995 started the scientific and teaching activity at KNEU named after Vadim Hetman. Worked at the Department of Enterprise Finance and Insurance in the position of Senior Lecturer. In 2004 defended the candidate's (PhD) thesis "Insurance of individuals' property in Ukraine", specialty 08.04.01 - Finance, money circulation and credit. Since 2006 worked as an Associate Professor, later as a Professor of the Insurance Department, since 2019 - as a Professor of the Department of Banking and Insurance.
Teaching and researching experience makes up 27 years.
Provides delivering the following disciplines: "Financial services market", "Insurance", "Insurance services market", "Financial security of insurance companies".
Scientific interests related to issues of finance, financial market, financial business, insurance, financial management.