Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Hanna Mamonova

Department:Department of Systems Analysis and Cybersecurity
Position:Associate Professor, Department of System Analysis and Cybersecurity
Teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Teaching Experience:27

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty 01.05.04 – System Analysis and Theory of Optimal Solutions (Faculty of Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, SVR D 26.001.35.)

22.02.2007 Topic of Academic Excellence  "Multi-channel service systems in the scheme of averaging and diffusion approximation" Scientific supervisor Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Medical Sciences, Korolyuk V.S.


1988 - 1993 Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty "mathematician-teacher".

2000 - 2003 Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, correspondence faculty, specialty "financier",

1997-2000 Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2008-2010 – Doctoral Studies of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

Research interests: Economic and mathematical modeling, Theory of random processes, mathematical methods in IT, educational comics, system analysis.

Teaches: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry; Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics; Random Processes; Special Sections of Mathematics; Game Theory (Selective); Problems of Applied System Analysis; Applied Stochastic Mathematics (Selective).

Internship and advanced training.

1. Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University Institute of Postgraduate Education of the State Higher Educational Institution "KNEU. V. Hetman" Certificate No. 12SS 02070884/065739-18 dated 18.05.2018.

2.Cisco Networking Academy® Certifications

Introduction to Cybersecurity course  від 08.07.2018

Cybersecurity Essentials course від 14.08.2018.

3. Ukrainian Open University of Postgraduate Education at the State Higher Education Institution "University of Educational Management". Course "Designing the Development of Professional Culture of Future Specialists" (1 ECTS credit, 30 hours). Certificate No. 909/20-VU, issued on December 30, 2020.

4. Advanced training in the field of application of the project approach and budgeting. Participant of the webinar series "Grant projects of the EU Financial Perspective 2021-2027: Budgeting". Foundation Central European Academy of Teaching and Certification (CEASC). March 2021 Certificate No. 0567.21. 30 hours, 1 ECTS credit.

5. Advanced training in the field of application of the project approach and project development to subsidized sources of funding "Writing projects. EU Funds" Foundation Central European Academy of Training and Certification (CEASC). April 2021 Certificate No. 0645.21.  32 years, 1 ECTS credit.

6. Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment. The course "EIT. Theory and Practice of Development and Reviewing of Test Tasks". 38 hours 1.2 ECTS credits. The deadline is February – April 2021. Order of the UCEQA dated 30.06.2021, No. 113.

7. Certificate B2 (English) International English Exam, Cambridge English Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (First) – Reference Number 186BG0059596Accreditation Number 500/7558/5 Date 11.05.2022.

8. Visiting Researcher in the Emergency Assistance Program for Scientists and Students at Risk After Russia's Invasion of Ukraine at the International Neurointelligence Research Center of the University of Tokyo, Japan, 01.08.2022 – 31.07.2023

9. International Development programme on the topic "International experience of using artificial intelligence in the educational process (Part I)"  28/11/2024 - 07/12/2024    ES № 21956  07.12.2024

10. Lithosvita. Annual program: writing skills. Number of hours 140. October 1, 2021 – August 27, 2022


1. Author of articles for the Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia

2. Expert of the All-Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (EIT and NMT in the subject Mathematics), since 2021

3. Member of the international team of the Kotoboo website (Area of responsibility – translation of the site into Ukrainian 2022-2024)

4. Participant of the international project Children's Guernica (Area of responsibility - coordination of the creation of Children's Guernica in the Kyiv region, 2023 - 2024)

5. Jury Member of the International Student Mathematics Olympiad (IMC, University College London, American University in Bulgaria, 2011, 2012, 2015)

6. Writer, author of the idea and script for the multidisciplinary educational comic "Blaise Pascal and Combinatorics", Vovkulaka Publishing  House

7. Member of the International Foundation of Educators and Scientists, IESF: Kyiv, Ukraine


Research funding and grants

  • Ukrainian-German Scientific Project "Asymptotic Methods for Complex Systems" (University of Bielefeld, Germany, March-April 2008)
  • Member of the project team, "Development and Validation of Comics as Educational Materials for Arithmetic and Mathematics", funded by CODER (2023)
  • Project Team Leader, Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics. Cooperation within the framework of the Creative Europe grant program. (October 2024)

Awards and honors

  • Gratitude of the Mayor of Bucha for the implementation of innovative ideas and a significant contribution to the promotion of cultural, artistic and educational projects (2024)
  • Numerous certificates of honor, diplomas and acknowledgments of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (Irpin), Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, State Tax Service of Ukraine (2003-2021)

He has more than 170 scientific and scientific-methodological publications, including 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. h-index: Scopus - 1   WoS - 1   Google Scholar - 10  

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