Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Zoia Baranyk

Department:Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Teacher degree:professor
Degree:Doctor of Economics
Teaching Experience:44


  • 1970-1974 D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
  • 1983-1987 postgraduate studies at D.S.Korotchenko Kyiv Institute of National Economy
  • 1987- scientific degree - Candidate of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical research of reserves for increasing the efficiency of working time use at industrial enterprises" (08.00.11 - Statistics)
  • 2004-2007 doctoral studies at Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
  • 2007- academic title - Doctor of Economic Sciences, dissertation on the topic "Statistical assessment of the labor market of Ukraine (methodology and practice)" (specialty 08.00.10 - Statistics)
  • 2010- professor at the Department of Statistics, now - professor at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics

Work experience

  • From 1981 to the present – ​​Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Awards and honorary titles
  • Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (incentive departmental award of the 1st degree), the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellent Education Worker", has scientific title "Honored Employee of the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University".
Advanced training and internship
1. State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman", Institute of Postgraduate Education, Certificate No. 12СС 02070884/070057-20, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/24/2020, 120 hours
2. Participation in the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science, innovations and education problems and prospects", which was held in Tokyo, Japan, 09/21-23/2022, 24 hours
3. Participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific research in the modern world", which was held in Toronto, Canada, 24 hours (hours) of participation (participation), 02/9-11/2023, 24 hours
4.Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Certificate of Advanced Training Series 202303051 No. 106, Online course International Urban Forum "Economics of Urban Renewal", 03/23/2023, 30 hours
5. V. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Anatoly Poruchnyk Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education, Certificate No. 1202, program "Distance Technologies in the Educational Space of the University", 12/20/2023, 180 hours (6 credits)
She is a member of the Specialized Academic Council at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the specialty of statistics.
Under her scientific supervision, 14 candidate theses were defended. In 2017 2 candidates for a candidate's degree and 1 candidate for a doctorate degree passed preliminary defense.
In 2010-2016, she was repeatedly the Head and member of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for assessing the compliance of educational activities of higher educational institutions with state requirements for accreditation of the specialty "Applied Statistics" for training and retraining at the educational and qualification level of bachelor, specialist, master in the field of knowledge 0305 "Enterprise Economics" 2010-2016.
2014-2017. Head of the SEC of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit.
2017-2018. Head of the SEC at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.


Member of the editorial board of a scientific publication included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, or a foreign peer-reviewed scientific publication "Modeling and Information Systems in Economics"