Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Educational Programme «Economic Analytics»


Level of higher educationFirst (Bachelor)
Educational degreeBachelor
Field of study05 «Social and Behavioural Sciences»
Programme subject area051 «Economics»
Educational qualification Bachelor of Economics
Academic workload240 ECTS credits
Programme duration3 years 10 months
Mode of studyFull-time
Language(s) of instructionUkrainian
Educational programme portfolio


Programme Special Features

The organisation of training involves partnerships with various KNEU departments, leading analytical agencies, and consulting companies in Ukraine. The educational programme is specifically focused on the development of the following skills:

  • Selecting, verifying, analysing, and interpreting economic data;

  • Identifying key economic indicators at the local, regional, national, and international levels;

  • Making forecasts using econometric methods;

  • Developing and justifying projects and methodological recommendations;

  • Preparing conclusions and detailed reports on economic research;

  • Advising representatives of state authorities, NGOs, business leaders, and the media on the state of the economy and economic forecasts.

Currently, there are no similar economic analytics programmes available in Ukraine.



Competitive advantages of graduates:

  • A comprehensive understanding of economic analysis methodologies.
  • Proficiency in using organisational and legal analysis tools for economic activities.
  • Ability to utilise statistical analysis tools to identify patterns.
  • Competence in analysing uncertainty and risk in economic activities, including the modelling and prediction of system and process developments.
  • Capability to evaluate economic activities and benchmark economic entities.
  • Proficiency in managing and working with large volumes of information.



Employment perspectives:

Graduates of the Economic Analytics programme typically find employment as analysts in investment, credit, and financial and economic security sectors. Additionally, they often serve as economic advisers, consultants, experts in corporate governance, and asset managers, among other roles.


Last redaction: 20.03.25