Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Faculty members

  • Iryna Bocharova
    Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department
    Education: Graduated from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University in 1980. Major: Romano-Germanic Languages and Literature. Qualification: Philologist. Teacher of French and English....
  • Tetiana Fursenko
    Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department
    Academic degree 2019 -PhD in pedagogy ( a PhD thesis on the topic "The System of Professional Training of Actuaries in Professional Associations and Universities of Canada" in...
    Valeriia Pishvanova
    Associate Professor
    Education:  T. Shevchenko State University Work experience: since 1993...
  • Iryna Vasylenko
    senior lecturer
    Graduated from the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute named after O.M. Gorky (National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov) with a degree in "Russian language, literature and...
  • Olena Burtova
    Senior Lecturer
    Education   1987-1992: D ragomanov Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute, qualification “Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, and Foreign Language (English)” (diploma...
  • Mariia Krasnopolska
    Senior Lecturer
    Education   2007 - 2011 — Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Faculty of International Economics and Management Qualification: Bachelor of...