Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman


The open lecture is organised by the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman within the framework of the CIVICA for Ukraine project, which includes, among others, KNEU and the London School of Economics and Political Science (   


May, 1st, 2024, 14-00 – 15-00  Registration from 13-30 up to 13-55


Speaker: ROBERT FALKNER, Professor (LSE)


The war in Ukraine has heightened concerns over the impact that geopolitical instability will have on future climate change and energy policy. Great power tensions and conflict threaten to undermine the search for international cooperation on global challenges. At the same time, Russia’s military aggression has galvanised European countries to seek strategic autonomy from Russian fossil fuel imports; will it also end up galvanising leading powers to accelerate the net zero transition? In this talk, Professor Falkner assesses the state of international climate policy and the role that geopolitics plays in it.


Robert Falkner is Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where he serves as the Academic Dean of the TRIUM Global Executive MBA, an alliance between LSE, NYU Stern School of Business and HEC Paris. His research and teaching focuses on international political economy, global environmental politics, and the role of business in international relations. His recent books include Great Powers, Climate Change, and Global Environmental Responsibilities (co-edited, Oxford University Press, 2022), Environmentalism and Global International Society (Cambridge University Press, 2021), and The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy (edited, Wiley, 2013).

Register in advance for this meeting: 13-30-13-55 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


The event is held in English