Department of Scientific InformationGeneral information Vadym Hetman KNEU has significant intellectual potential and prospects in research and patent-licensing activities. The competitiveness of the University in modern conditions depends on many factors and last but not least - on the chosen strategy of intellectual property management, which combines efforts and takes into account the interests of different departments, teachers, graduate students and students. The main product of our University is intellectual, created by its teachers and researchers, which includes both objects of copyright: the results of teaching and research, lectures, textbooks, research results, software products, databases and industrial property. : inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks. Intellectual property is one of the forms of property that needs proper legal protection. Legal protection ensures the consolidation of the University's intellectual property rights to specific results of intellectual, creative activity, which in turn is a necessary condition for the introduction of these objects in economic turnover. Regulations on the Department of Scientific Information Regulations on the organization and conduct of scientific events at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Regulations on the procedure for conducting international competitions of student scientific works at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Last redaction: 25.02.25 |