Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Institute of Economic Development Studies

General Information

The main purpose of the activity of the Research Institute of Economic Development

  • implementation of statutory tasks of the University as a national higher educational institution in terms of scientific activity;
  • acquisition of new scientific knowledge by conducting scientific research and development on current problems of economic science and socio-economic development of the country;
  • the creation of socially useful scientific results and their implementation and use in the country's economy to ensure the innovative development of society and in the educational process to fundamentalize the educational training of students, graduate students and doctoral students.

The main tasks of the Research Institute of Economic Development

  • implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and scientific development according to the priority directions of the development of science and technology of Ukraine within the limits of the approved scientific directions of the University;
  • obtaining competitive scientific and scientific-applied results by carrying out innovative research works;
  • support of scientific research of young scientists, involvement of gifted students, graduate students, doctoral students in scientific activity;
  • ensuring an organic combination of educational and scientific activities in the educational process of the University, strengthening the influence of science on solving the tasks of education and upbringing, preserving and strengthening the determining role of science in the development of society, culture, and the economy.

Functions of the Research Institute of Economic Development

  • organization of the first stage of the competitive selection of projects of fundamental and applied research works and scientific research of young scientists, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from the general fund of the state budget;
  • organization of examination of scientific projects;
  • formation of thematic plans for scientific research and development, carried out by the University at the expense of the general fund of the state budget and submitted for approval and approval to the rector of the University and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • consideration and approval of technical tasks for carrying out scientific research;
  • organization of fundamental scientific research and applied scientific research and development and scientific research of young scientists;
  • control over the timely and high-quality performance of scientific research works, monitors compliance with the terms of performance of works in accordance with the approved technical tasks, calendar plans, programs and terms of the contract;
  • implementation of state registration of scientific research works, ensuring the timeliness and reliability of information submitted to state statistics bodies, the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for completed and transitional GDRs;
  • promoting the involvement of students in research work;
  • approval of draft estimates and substantiation of expenses for carrying out scientific research;
  • formation of annual cost estimates for submission to the rector of the University and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for approval;
  • formation of the staff list of the Institute and changes to it for submission to the rector of the University and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for approval;
  • accounting and analysis of financial expenses by creative teams performing scientific and research work at the expense of the general fund of the state budget;
  • control of compliance with the current labor legislation and rules of internal procedure by temporary creative teams in the implementation of the NDR;
  • taking part in the formation of accompanying documentation (draft orders, orders) for enrollment, dismissal, material incentives, setting allowances and surcharges, granting vacations to employees of the Institute - full-time and part-time employees;
  • implementation of scientific and methodological support for the formation of NDR projects and reporting documentation for completed and transitional scientific research works carried out at the expense of the state budget;
  • implementation of informational and technical support of creative teams in the design of scientific research projects in the unified information system "Science in Universities".


Director - doctor of economic sciences, professor, Iryna Kalenyuk, tel. 096-750-58-10, Email:

Deputy Director - Fedun Victoria, tel. 067-797-95-88, Email:

Address: Kyiv, str. Degtyarivska 49-g (KNEU building 4), 7th floor, room 701, 705. Tel. (044) 503-86-07 Email:

Last redaction: 09.09.24