Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Institute of Marketing

INSTITUTE OF MARKETING of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The purpose of the Institute is to organize and conduct research and implementation of scientific, technical and educational activities in the field of marketing, to research and develop practical recommendations to ensure the competitiveness of local businesses and organizations, to carry out innovation activities. The Institute carries out research and development, provides the conditions for profound scientific and technical training in marketing according to the priority directions of science and technology and the main activities of the Institute.

Regulations on the Institute

Institute's Activity Report 2020

Institute's Activity Report 2021

Institute's Activity Report 2022

Institute's Activity Report 2023

Institute's Activity Report 2024

Act of Implementation 2022

Act of Implementation 2023

Act of Implementation 2024

The main activities of the Institute:

  • To conduct basic and applied research in the field of marketing, including interdisciplinary, corresponding to modern world-class scientific research in this field;
  • To create competitive applied research;
  • To perform research, research and development, design and exploration work as well as work related to bringing scientific and technological knowledge to the stage of practical use;
  • To implement advanced scientific research within the scientific and industrial cooperation and collaboration with industry and business, to form innovative business environment;
  • To prepare scientific and methodological training basis of scientific and pedagogical staff teaching marketing;
  • To use human research potential of the Institute to address critical scientific issues of the national economy;
  • To integrate research and training activities of the Institute with those of other academic and practitioners enterprises of different industries, market research and consulting;
  • International scientific, technical and educational cooperation with partner universities, professional marketing and market research organizations.

Objectives of the Institute:

  • Conducting scientific research in the field of modern marketing and management, implementation of innovation activity;
  • Fundraising from domestic, foreign and international funds to carry out research and development, training and skills development, to provide modern equipment, etc.;
  • Obtaining of research results by the research and teaching staff of the university, students, postgraduates, doctoral; creation of competitive scientific research, innovative products;
  • Enhancing scientific and technical training of students and doctoral training of the teaching and research staff through the implementation of joint research and development;
  • Preparation of guidance materials for their publications in national and international journals;
  • Organization of scientific, practical and educational seminars, meetings, conferences, symposia, including international, in the areas of their activity;
  • Maintain supervision over the use of scientific research of the Institute.

History of the Institute

The Institute was established in 2011 under the decision of the Academic Council of the University

Last redaction: 03.03.25