Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists

The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the SHEI "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" (hereinafter - the Scientific Society) is a public scientific self-governanceof the University.

Purpose of the Scientific Society:

 The purpose of the Scientific Society lies in support of the disclosure of scientific and creative potential of students and researchers at the University, the enhance of scientific thinking and research skills, the promotion various branches of science in higher education, the development of innovation, the provision of assistance to the University’s administration in optimization of scientific and educational work.

The main tasks of the Scientific Society are:

  • attraction of students and academic staff to the research; looking for and supporting talented researchers among people who study and work at the University, providing them with comprehensive assistance;

  • improving the quality of the scientific work of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the University in order to gain practical experience in the professional field;

  • creating favorable conditions for the participation of young scientists in scientific competitions, Olympiads, conferences, workshops, symposia, etc.;

  • promoting the contribution of scientific research results of young scientists in domestic and foreign scientific networks;

  • organization and development the international scientific and cultural collaboration with other higher education institutions, research institutions and organizations.

The structure of the Scientific Society includesthe Council of Young Scientists (CYS) - is a collegial association of young scientists of the University, which was established to promote scientific, innovative, inventive and other creative activities of young scientists and realization of their professional and intellectual rights; promoting inter-university cooperation of young scientists, including international academic mobility.

The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists is the mover and co-organizer of Ukrainian and international workshops, seminars, conferences, public lectures for students and young researchers in cooperation with higher education institutions of Poland, Lithuania, Germany and the Czech Republic. In particular, over the last5 years more than30 scientific events have been held, including: 10 international scientific seminars and conferences, 8 PhD workshops(4 of which in Germany), 4 interdisciplinary colloquia for postgraduate students and young researchers and3 round tables, 3 international summer schools, 3 international summer forums for representatives from education and business, etc.. 

  • it was initiateda bi-national PhD-supervision betweenKNEU and the University of Bremen(Germany) regarding to the development of PhD education

  • 7 PhD-students and young researchers from KNEU had the opportunity to make research tripsto German Universities (Bremen and Speyer) with the assistance Scientific Society and CYS over the past 5 years in order to deepen the quality of research results and extend the range of scientific communications. 

  •  there have been hold international scientific conferences and student participation in research student projectsin order to promote the development of student science.

  •  it was initiated open public lectures and meetings with leading European R&D institutions in order to improve the quality of research and practical work of young scientists of the University in order to gain practical experience in the field of their researches. Over the last 5 years, more than 25 meetings have been held

  •  The Scientific Society has intensified the academic mobility of students of two levels of education to the leading educational institutions in Germany (in particular, the University of Bremen and the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer).

  • In the direction of improving the quality of creative scientific work of students and its commercialization it was initiated and implemented the pilot project of dual education at the Faculty of FinanceKNEU.

  •  The Scientific Society is actively seeking additional funding to ensure the academic mobility of young researchers (Erasmus + and DAAD programs, the Hans Seidel Foundation and Konrad Adenauer Foundation etc.)


Last redaction: 15.03.24