Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman


№ 8, 2021

Dear readers, dear colleagues!
The festive issue of the journal "University Education" has been published, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the founding of the University. In the issue:
  • Congratulations to graduates of faculties and institutes
  • Congratulations to partners, graduates, honorary professors of KNEU
  • Quality management
  • International rankings
  • International projects and competitions
  • Scientific and educational activities
  • Cultural projects and sports achievements

№ 6, 2020 / English version / Open 

Dear readers, dear colleagues!

We bring to your attention the Information Bulletin of the Institute of Higher Education of KNEU (№6 / 2020). We are sincerely grateful to all the authors who prepared articles for this issue, in which they shared professional achievements, best practices in educational and research activities, experience of successful implementation of educational and research projects, introduction of innovative educational technologies, cooperation with foreign universities and business at departments and faculties. institutes of KNEU.

Headings of the Information Bulletin:

Trends in higher education

Innovative technologies in higher education

KNEU best university practices

Current KNEU projects

KNEU ratings

Grants, scholarships, internships

We hope that the work of the international team of authors of this issue of the magazine "University Education" will help Ukraine and humanity to approach the ideals of sustainable development, arouse keen interest and encourage fruitful discussions both in the pages of future issues and in academia and among decision makers.

№ 6, 2019 / English version /


Dear Readers

The latest issue of “University Education” presents the results of the research conducted by the Ukrainian and international scholars. In particular, the main findings of the research work “Imperatives of National Higher Education Systems’ Global Competitiveness” carried out by the group of researchers at the Institute of Higher Education at KNEU during 2016-2018, are highlighted in this issue.

Global transformations of the late 20th and early 21st centuries have deeply changed the world. They found a theoretical reflection in the new global development paradigm, and an empirical one – in the formation of the global economy. Universal imperatives for the national economies’ success in globalized environment are those of intellectualization, coupled with the ability to continuous innovation, socialization, prioritizing the most possible self-actualization of an individual, ecologization of production and life environment in the paradigm of global thinking. In this context, national competitiveness ensures not only improvement of living standards of the country’s population and maintenance of the national enterprises’ stability in the world market, but also socio-economic progress based on innovation with an ability to withstand crises, preventing or successfully neutralizing the negative effects. Therefore, new possibilities of innovative development in conditions of the networking and digital economy have become an extremely important object of research.

Sustainable development of any country today depends primarily on its ability to develop and implement innovative strategies. It has become necessary to constantly search for and apply innovations that change technology and business organization in order to maintain a high competitive status in domestic and international markets. At macro level, the most adequate response to the knowledge economy paradigm is the creation of innovative systems, as an institutional precondition for innovation-friendly climate, and at micro level – the development and implementation of innovative corporate strategies and creative management.

The research conducted by Larysa Antoniuk, Natalia Vasіlkova and Mariia Sandul dwells upon state support in higher education area for its global leadership in the 21st century. The authors present numerous arguments based upon international experience concerning the importance of strategic approaches towards development of higher education systems financing in line with demanding high achievemnts in terms of their global competitiveness.

Denys Ilnytskyyand Olga Drobotiuk highlight the results of the research dedicated to depicting scenarios of Ukrainian higher education system development. Unfortunately, apart from possible flourishing, they conclude a high probablility of its stagnation and degradation.

The article by Iryna Kaleniuk and Liudmyla Tsymbal is dedicated to the trends of the global education services market development. The authors investigate the turbulent tendencies in the higher education market in conditions of increased competition: an upward trend in the number of students and foreign students all over the world, emergence of new leaders, countries’ positioning in terms of exports and imports of education services, Ukraine’s competitive positioning.

Foreign colleagues, with whom KNEU reaserchers have been cooperating within joint scientific and educational projects, present the results of their research.

Dr. Keith Pond, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University (UK), highlights the importance of assessment as part of educational program for tertiary students. He emphasizes that assessment is a product of many influences, often strong and rarely within the complete control of individual lecturers. The paper explores Constructive Alignment theory and the influences of curriculum design. It is proven that assessment is a visible evidence of good pedagogic design and sound quality assurance. Analysis of the interactions reveals a shared understanding of constructive alignment of assessment design within an environment where innovation is not common.

Gerald Groshek,Professor, School of Business, University of Redlands, CA, USA, and Nataliia Cherkas, Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine explore the significance of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Ukrainian universities. The article presents a distribution of Moodle sites among Ukrainian user types, summarizes the benefits and increasing necessity of educational management technology and stresses the importance of an accompanying commitment of resources to faculty development in order to achieve a more effective educational environment in Ukraine.

Oliver Belarga,Kansai University (Japan) investigates the growth of collaborative online learning in students’ educational environments characterized by cultural diversity. The author discusses the peculiarities of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) practices between Kansai University and International Islamic University of Malaysia from April 2016 to December 2017. Finally, the author encourages learners and instructors to set out an online academic partnership, which are very relevant in the rapidly expanding field of global education.

Łukasz Kutyło, University of Łódź (Poland), addresses the phenomenon of atrophy of the social role among working full-time students. It is revealed that this phenomenon may result in the noticeable decrease of their commitment in education process. The analysis of data acquired from the survey, conducted among undergraduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at University of Łódź shows that the atrophy may be influenced by the weakening of the cognitive structures that are responsible for the formation of the sense of meaning, sense of belonging and belief about compliance with these duties by other, as well as intensity of students’ social life.

We hope, that the current issue of the journal will provide the readers with meaningful arguments and models, important for the development of higher education.

Sincerely Yours,                                                                             

Dmytro Lukianenko, 
Rector of Kyiv National Econimic University named after Vadym Hetman

№ 2, 2012 / English version /



You see the latest issue of University Education, in which Ukrainian and foreign experts provide information on the results of research on current issues and directions of higher education development.

The publications in the «Development Trends in Higher Education» section highlight such key trends in the European and Ukrainian higher education as: intensification of competition on the education services market, strengthening of international cooperation, diversification of the mechanisms for financing higher education, etc. The article by the well-known American Professor Karen Fox «Higher Education Marketing: The United States Experience» reveals the essence and evolution of the theory and practice of marketing in higher education in the USA. It acquaints you with the relevant experience of leading American universities, substantiates the necessity for the application of the marketing approach for their efficient operation.

The «University Scientific Research» section is devoted to one of the most urgent topics, not only for higher education institutions, but also for society as a whole. The economic development of any country is dependent on the potential to generate knowledge as well as products and technologies, based on the latest scientific achievements. Leading world universities are the ones that have always been and will continue to be the centres for the formation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge. The main criteria for evaluating the intellectual potential and social recognition of modern universities, as stated in the materials of this section, is the scientific and pedagogical school. In the article «The Road to Competitiveness: The Importance of Database Access at a Research University», Professor Gerald Groshek from the US highlights the results of research on the interconnection between the publication activity of researchers in well-known journals and the international cooperation of scholars in this sphere.

The issues of the development, implementation and realization of the latest approaches to the modern management of a university and education processes are under discussion in the section «Strategic Development of Universities». The section presents the results of the research into the role of global competence, the substance, models and methods for activating class work at world-class research universities.

Professor Joanna Zyra from Poland presents the results of a qualitative evaluation of education on the basis of data on the development of the graduates’ careers. Topical issues regarding the creation and commercialization of the intellectual products of a university’s activity are set forth in the «Management of Intellectual Property» section together with the evaluation of the possibilities of legal protection of the scientific and applied scientific results of university research within the limits of the current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of intellectual property. The «Educational Technologies» section provides information on the latest effective methods for teaching students at world-class universities.

I hope the journal publications will result in further discussions both in future issues of the journal and in academic circles.

A.F. PAVLENKO, Rector of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

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№ 1, 2011

The first issue of "University Education" unveiled

09/09/2011 the first issue of scientific and practical journal "University Education" unveiled. It’s devoted to the description of university life recent events and important practical aspects of establishing and building world-class research universities, modern scientific concepts of competitive university etc. The journal conception provides its structuring into separate sections: events, trends in higher education, actual interviews, world-class universities rankings, strategic development of universities, intellectual property management, and educational technology. In the context of certain rubrics materials of appropriate topic or focus to be represented.

Publication of "University Education" owes to efficient, persistent and creative work of our university’s scientists and specialists. The journal's editorial board involves Ukrainian scientists and researchers and well-known British expert in higher education Zoya Zaytseva (QS, London).

"University Education" has a modern stylish design, thanks to creative work of editors and designers. The journal is colorful and printed on high quality paper, giving it very original image. The journal is free for online viewing on the site of the Institute of Higher Education at KNEU.

Information is prepared by Volodymyr Satsyk, Researcher in the Institute of Higher Education, and executive editor of "University Education"

Last redaction: 12.02.25