Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Vasylieva Tetiana Oleksandrivna

department:Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Position:associate professor
teacher degree: none
Degree:candidate of philological sciences

 - Candidate of sciences in Philology, associate professor at the Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of International Economics and Management (Kyiv  National  Economic  University named after Vadym Hetman - research university).

In 1987 she graduated from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, majoring in Roman and Germanic languages and literatures, and gained the linguist qualification of teacher of Spanish and English  languages, translator from Spanish.

During 1993-2006 she worked as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Military Translation of the Military Institute (Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University). During her work she taught the following courses: Military translation from Spanish and Italian to Ukrainian, Military Geography.  In 2006 she entered the PhD Program at the Institute of Philology of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and at the same time began working as a part-time assistant lecturer (later as a senior lecturer) of the Foreign Languages Department at the Faculty of International Economics and Management of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. During 2006-2009 she underwent postgraduate studies at the sub-department of Spanish and Italian Philology of the Institute of Philology. During those period of time she taught the following courses: Spanish language (Sub-Department of Spanish and Italian Philology) and Spanish as the second foreign language (Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of International Economics and Management). In 2010 she defended her candidate dissertation “Spanish discourse of Governmental Press-conferences”.  Since 2011 she has been working as an associate professor at the Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of International Economics and Management of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. 

Vasylieva Tetyana Oleksandrivna has 23 years total teaching experience.

The scope of scientific interest of Vasylieva Tetyana Oleksandrivna includes cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, discourse analysis, pragmatics. 

The articles of Vasylieva Tetyana Oleksandrivna:

1.Anthropomorphic metaphor in the modern economic discourse of Spanish Media (2015).

2. The features of verbalization of the concept DERECHOS / LAW in the discourse of governmental press conferences (2014).

3. The metaphor of the economic discourse of Spanish-speaking press (2012).

4. Concept JUSTICIA / JUSTICE and its actualization in the Spanish discourse of governmental press conferences (2012).

5. Actualization of the concept SEGURIDAD / SECURITY in the Spanish discourse of governmental press conferences (2011).

6. Verbalization of the concept INMIGRACIÓN / IMMIGRATION in the government's press conference (2009).

7. The strategy of positive self-presentation of the government representative in the Spanish governmental press conference (2009).

8. Verbal implementation options of the genre of press conference (based on the materials of Spanish governmental press conferences) (2008).

9. Metaphor as a means of influencing public consciousness in the speech genre of press conference (2008).

10. Government's strategy of harmonizing relations with the public (based on the government Spanish press conference) (2008).

11. Actualization of the concept ESTADO/STATE in the Spanish governmental press conference (2008).

12. Manipulation strategies of the government´s representative in the Spanish governmental press conference (2008).

13. Sociolinguistic factors of the discourse of government public relations as institutional discourse (2007).

14. Press conference as a speech genre of the PR-discourse (2007).