Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Project team

– Larysa ANTONIUK, coordinator of the WIN2EDIH consortium, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research;

– Denys ILNYTSKYY, head of the project group from KNEU, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of International Economics;

– Larisa LIGONENKO, project manager, Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship;

– Tetyana MAYOROVA, project manager, Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling;

– Tetyana CHERNYTSKA, project manager, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Economics;

– Olga DENYSOVA, project manager, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Economics.

Last redaction: 05.02.25