Prevention of academic plagiarismKyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman pays considerable attention to the rules and principles of academic integrity in the educational and scientific process. The introduction of such principles of academic integrity means that in the process of teaching and research, students, educators, teachers and researchers must adhere, above all, to the principles of honest, responsible work and study. At the University, plagiarism is subject to: bachelor's and master's theses, dissertations for the degree of candidate (doctor of philosophy) or doctor of sciences, manuscripts of monographs, textbooks, author's textbooks, manuscripts of articles, abstracts submitted to scientific journals or scientific journals or . The check is performed in the StrikePlagiarism.comSystem. is the owner of the system The company was founded in 2002, is actively involved in changing attitudes towards academic plagiarism and the development of technological, legal and procedural countermeasures. operates in 20countries and covers more than 500 free economic zones. On February 23, 2018, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science and The system performs a technical check and detects text matches, which helps to conclude the presence of plagiarism. In case of detection of academic plagiarism in the works of employees and applicants for higher education of the University, the authors are responsible in accordance with applicable law, including those provided by the Law of Ukraine on Education. In order to disseminate practical knowledge and skills in the implementation of the basic principles of academic integrity, the University conducts trainings, seminars, conferences. Article 42. Academic integrity Glossary of terms and concepts of Art. 42 Academic Integrity of the Law of Ukraine on Education Methodical recommendations for free economic support to support the principles of academic integrity Order on the implementation of the "Regulations on the Prevention of Academic Plagiarism" Information letter on the current procedure for passing dissertations for the degree of candidate (doctor of philosophy) and doctor of science plagiarism Information letter on the current procedure for passing master's thesis tests for textual borrowings Regulations on the Prevention of Academic Plagiarism Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Concerning Ensuring Academic Integrity in Higher Education Institutions Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine On the issue of avoiding problems and mistakes in the practice of ensuring academic integrity Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine On the organization of distance learning during quarantine Contacts: Department of coordination and monitoring of professional periodicals: Office: 403 (Degtyarivska Street, 49 Г) Tel: 503 - 84 – 40 e-mail: Last redaction: 07.11.24 |