Reports on the scientific activity of the UniversityAn integral component of the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics is scientific activity, which provides not only strengthening its competitive position in the domestic market of scientific and educational services, but also increasing the international image and prestige, as well as diversifying funding sources, especially , through the development of various forms of cooperation with the business sector of the economy, participation in international programs and grant projects. Over its more than a century of history, the University has accumulated rich scientific and educational experience and formed a powerful creative, personnel and scientific and methodological resource, which is the key to effective performance of the leading scientific and educational institution of Ukraine in economics, management and law. Modern scientific activity of the University is aimed at conducting fundamental and applied research in economics, management, law, information technologies, political technologies and psychology in demand today; wide implementation of research results in socio-economic practice; training of highly qualified professional staff; conversion of results of scientific work into educational activities; intensifying the involvement of students in research work. The implementation of these areas of scientific and innovative activities of the University was carried out in accordance with the Development Strategy of SHEI "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" for 2018-2025. The university has an effective system of innovation, which includes full scientific (basic and applied research, innovative products and their commercialization) and educational cycles (training of bachelors and masters, doctors of philosophy and doctors of science, postgraduate education). This makes it possible to fill the curricula of KNEU with innovative content, as well as to ensure the fullest possible integration of the educational mission of the university with its research and consulting activities.
Last redaction: 27.03.25 |