- Campus Life»
- Ombudsman for Human Students
Ombudsman for Human Students
Ombudsman for Students Kyiv National Economic University
named after Vadym Hetman

Bogdan Yarmolenko - Partner, Transaction Advisory Services Leader in Ukraine - Membership of the Supervisory Council of Kyiv National Economics University
e-mail: omb@kneu.edu.ua
Advocacy Establishment for Students
through Ombudsman Position

Project acronym: Students Ombudsman

Project goals and objectives:
The project goal is to create the Institute of Ombudsman for Human Students and conditions for the development and functioning of this institution in the field of the rights of students.
Specific project objectives are:
• studying the positive experience with the EU partners in protecting and defending the interests of students;
• preparation and publication of educational materials to protect the rights and defend the interests of students;
• creation of Student's Office for the Protection of Rights and advocacy in every university in Ukraine.
• analysis of the experience of organizations that deal with complaints and upholding the rights of students;
• training of teachers and administrative staff in European universities on the functioning of an Ombudsman;
• develop methodological support of teaching courses and e-learning materials;
• create a partner network and the launch of a web portal on the work of an Ombudsman;
• pilot training students and teachers at the partner universities;
• develop a project plan and conduct internal and external quality evaluation of the project;
• Development and implementation of development strategies and disseminate the project not only within the state higher education institution «Kyiv National Economic University» and other universities of Ukraine, at the state level.
Expected results:
I. The experience of organizations that deal with complaints and upholding the rights of students.
II. Done of teachers and administrative staff in European universities on the institute of ombudsman.
III. Methodical providing training courses and e-learning materials.
IV. A partner network and the launch of a web portal on the work of an Ombudsman.
V. A pilot study of students and teachers at the partner universities.
VI. Developed a project plan and assessed the quality of the project.
Developed and implemented a strategy of sustainable development and distribution project.
Project duration: 2016 -2018 (under consideration)
Grant holder: AkakiTsereteli State University Georgia.
- JyvaskylanYliopisto, Finland
- Middlesex University Higher Education Corporation, United Kingdom
- Universidade Do Minho, Portugal
- UniversitaDegliStudiDell’Aquila, Italia
- UniwersytetWarszawski, Poland
- Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Österreich
- AkakiTsereteli State University, Georgia
- Caucasus University, Georgia
- Georgian American University, Georgia
- Ganja State University, Azerbaijan
- Khazar University, Azerbaijan
- NakhchivanState University, Azerbaijan
- NakhchivanUniversity, Azerbaijan
- QafqazUniversiteti, Azerbaijan
- Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan
- Higher Educational institution of Ukoopspilka Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine
Project web-site:under development
Last redaction: 14.12.24