Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Instruction Methodology Unit


Head of the Instruction Methodology Unit

Tetiana Hut'

Phone: (044) 371-61-85

General Information

Radical changes that have occurred over the last decade in the economic and social areas, the imperatives of the developing information society, the rapid development of the scientific knowledge, the information and communication technologies put forward radically new tasks for the international community. The role of the education (and, especially, the tertiary education) becomes tremendous under such circumstances. The tertiary education and the science are becoming global factors of the social development. They are among the most important national and international priorities, as well as the most significant components of the cultural, social and economically sustainable development of people, communities and nations.

Upon Ukraine's accession to the Bologna Process and upon being vested with the status of a self-governed (autonomous) research educational establishment, the Kyiv National Economics University is among leading institutions which harmonise the best results of the domestic education with international requirements for the training of specialists. A new generation of curricula is being developed; new regulatory and methodological work is being performed; the working curricula are being improved; the scientific component is being strengthened; and the course material is becoming more fundamental and individually targeted.

The intensive work is going on in the field of the development of the Annex to a European Diploma and the improvement of the system of competencies at the Bachelor and Master levels in order to create conditions for the international recognition of qualifications.

The above tasks are to a great extent performed by the Instruction Methodology Unit of the University.

Currently, the unit includes three laboratories:

  • the instruction methodology support monitoring laboratory;
  • the education contents and teaching process organisation laboratory;
  • the novel instruction forms and methods implementation scientific support laboratory.
Last redaction: 14.10.24