Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The XI International Contest of Students’ Research Papers “Credit and Banking System: History, Modern Days And Development Outlook”

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

The Banking Department

We announce The XI International Contest of Students’ Research Papers

“Credit and Banking System: History, Modern Days And Development Outlook”

Contest Schedule:

Submission period: 1 February, 2024 – 31 March, 2024

Review period for the Competition Committee: April, 2024

The Competition Committee announcement of the 2nd round participants: May, 2024

The 2nd round is organized in the form of a conference. The 1st round winners will be invited to participate in the conference (intramural participation) in June, 2024.

The Contest participants will be awarded with certificates. The Contest winners will be awarded with diploma and valuable gifts from sponsors.

Requirements to the participants:

  • university students (at the date of submission);
  • the number of co-authors should not exceed 2 persons;
  • the number of research papers submitted by one University is not limited.

Requirements to the research papers:

A research paper should be an independent research with author’s scientific contribution and value added. The research results should be validated by proper research methods.

A research paper should be unique and should not be submitted to the other contests.

A research paper should be written in Ukrainian or English.

Required package of participant’s papers:

1) Research paper (PDF file):

- paper size ‑ A4 (21x29.7 cm);

- title page should contain University’s name; research topic; author’s name; scientific adviser’s name; imprint year;

- abstract (in accordance with sample);

- content;

- text that describes the research results should not exceed 40 pages;

- references and annex.

Print options:

- Times New Roman, 14 (for figures and tables – Times New Roman, 12);

- page margins (for all) – 2,0 cm;

- line spacing – 1,2;

- paragraph – 1,25 cm (do not use TAB button);

- full justification;

- Excel file with original figures.

2) Information about the author(s) and scientific adviser (in accordance with sample), approved by the University Department (employment place of the scientific adviser). It should be sent in PDF or JPEG file.

3) A participant should follow the link “Registration Online” to get registered.

The package of participant’s papers should be sent to the Organizing Committee e-mail The author(s) name in Latin letters should be used as the name of each file. The Organizing Committee does not accept Research Papers sent after 31 March, 2024.

You may find more details in Manual on Contest and on website.

More information:

38–(067)–183–00–11 Chub Pavel
